
News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.

Your search returned 6 results.

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  • Museums and cultural heritage

    28/01/2025 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    Our museums interpret the development of our society, the self-esteem of our nation and our shared standards of democracy and freedom of expression. Museums are the foundations on which our democracy rests, in that they are part of the essential

  • Libraries

    24/01/2024 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    Everyone should have access to art and culture, no matter where they live. Making literature and books available to everyone in Norway is an important part of this.

  • Archives and documentation

    20/03/2023 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    Public and private archives represent unique and authentic knowledge about society, history and culture in the past and present. They document the interests and rights of individuals and various population groups, and are important for research and

  • Cultural policy

    24/08/2021 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Ministry of Culture and Equality is responsible for the development of national cultural policy through legal and financial instruments.

  • National strategy for libraries 2020-2023 - A space for democracy and self-cultivation

    02/09/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Education and Research

    Libraries are houses of democracy: from the National Library of Norway to public libraries, school libraries, special libraries and research libraries. Together, they constitute an important part of the democratic infrastructure and are one of the

  • Meld. St. 8 (2018–2019) - The Power of Culture

    Meld. St. 8 (2018–2019) Report to the Storting (white paper) Summary

    23/11/2018 Report to the Storting Ministry of Culture and Equality