
Showing 2241-2260 of 4548 results.

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  • Norway aligns itself with new sanctions against Russia

    04/07/2024 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is aligning itself with the EU’s 14th package of sanctions against Russia. The work to incorporate the sanctions into Norwegian law is under way. Norway is also aligning itself with the EU legislation that allows for profits generated by

  • Deputy Director General Tone Kristin Aursland

    Administrative staff Ministry of Transport
  • Defence

    Topic Ministry of Defence

    The principal objective of Norwegian security policy is to safeguard Norway’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political freedom of action.

  • Public administration

    Topic Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    The modernisation and development of the public sector affects many policy areas. The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation is the coordinating ministry in the Government’s modernisation efforts.

  • Foreign affairs

    Topic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The main tasks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are to promote Norway’s interests internationally and provide assistance to Norwegian nationals abroad. An important part of the Ministry’s work is to make sure that Norway ‘speaks with one voice’ in

  • Government Delegation in Oslo 1945

    Historisk Regjering

    At the German capitulation in Norway on 8 May 1945, Vidkun Quisling's illegal government was dissolved. In agreement with the resistance movement Home Front, Johan Nygaardsvold's Government in London had appointed eight chief officers to lead the

  • John Lyng s Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Conservative Party (H), Christian Democratic Party (KrF), Centre Party (Sp) and Liberal Party (V)

  • Lars Korvald's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Christian Democratic Partty (KrF), Liberal Party (V) and Centre Party (Sp)

  • Odvar Nordli's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Labour Party (A)

  • Second Wedel Government

    Historisk Regjering

    The change between the First Wedel Government and the Second Wedel Government and its Continuation, took place at the appointment of former Minister of Finance Herman Wedel Jarlsberg as the Swedish-Norwegian King’s Governor-General in Norway on 19

  • Emil Stang's Second Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Conservative Party (H)

  • Jens Bratlie's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Conservative Party (H) and Moderate Liberal Party (MV)

  • Administrative Council in Oslo 1940

    Historisk Regjering

    15 April 1940-25 September 1940

  • OECDs retningslinjer – åpen høring!

    23.01.2023 Separate website Ansvarlig Næringsliv

    OECDs retningslinjer for flernasjonale selskaper er anbefalinger fra myndigheter om ansvarlig, bærekraftig forretningsdrift. Anbefalingene gjelder menneskerettigheter, arbeidstakerrettigheter, miljø, anti-korrupsjon, forbrukerinteresser samt åpenhet

  • NCP accepts submission and offers good offices

    27.02.2023 Separate website Ansvarlig Næringsliv

    The complaints relate to human rights due diligence in connection with the merger of companies, stakeholder engagement and addressing ongoing, unremediated adverse impacts. Three South Sudanese and five European organizations submitted the

  • NICFI prolongs public access to high resolution rainforest satellite images

    22.03.2023 Separate website NICFI

    – After 2,5 years of the program, it has become evident that public access to high resolution satellite images leads to more effective rainforest protection, says Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment Mr. Espen Barth Eide. Anyone can access

  • Forskrift om tilskudd til romanifolket/taterne er vedtatt

    03.10.2019 Separate website Oppfølging av NOU 2015: 7 - Assimilering og motstand

    Det er lagt vekt på at forskriften skal være på et overordnet nivå, slik at mer detaljerte krav heller vil framkomme av Kulturrådets retningslinjer, i utlysningstekst og i tildelingsbrev. Romanifolket/taternes involvering i arbeidet med ordningen

  • Leaders will build on Glasgow legacy to establish Forests & Climate Leaders’ Partnership at COP27

    21.09.2022 Separate website NICFI

    The new Partnership will unite action by government, business and community leaders, and shine a spotlight on global progress at COP27 and every year up to 2030. President Ali Bongo of Gabon, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry and

  • Peru launches new fund – receives USD 10 million for its efforts against deforestation

    18.11.2022 Separate website NICFI

    Peru has increased its efforts to reduce deforestation and delivered a number of important reforms and measures under the Joint Declaration of Intent on climate and forests between Peru, Norway, Germany, the United Kingdom and USAID. – I am

  • Vellykket møte for nordisk-baltiske kontaktpunkt

    25.05.2023 Separate website Ansvarlig Næringsliv

    Nordisk-baltisk nettverksmøte i vinden, med kontaktpunktene fra Danmark, Estland, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige. Kontaktpunktene i Latvia og Litauen kunne dessverre ikke delta denne gangen. Bak troner Harpa, Reykjaviks vakre konserthus. Foto:

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