
Showing 2621-2640 of 4552 results.

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  • Pensions and welfare

    Topic Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Everyone shall have equal opportunities, rights and obligations to take part in society and make use of their resources, irrespective of economic or social background.

  • Internet voting trials

    29/08/2019 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Internet voting pilots were carried out in a limited number of municipalities during the local election in 2011 and parliamentary election in 2013.

  • Deputy head of communications Anders Lundell

    Administrative staff Ministry of Education and Research
    Kommunikasjonssjef for forskning og høyere utdanning Anders Lundell

    Anders Lundell is head of communications for the Minister of Research and Higher Education and deputy head of the communications unit.


    Phone +47 900 49 636

  • State Secretary Maria Varteressian (Labour Party)

    Political staff Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Portrettbilde av Maria Varteressian

    State Secretary for Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide.

    Appointed: 03/11/2023

  • Human rights

    Topic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The promotion of human rights and democratic principles is at the heart of Norwegian foreign policy. This policy is implemented both in international forums such as the UN, the OSCE and the Council of Europe, and at country level.

  • Einar Gerhardsen's Fourth Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Labour Party (A)

  • Ivar Lykke's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Conservative Party (H) and Freeminded Liberal Party (FV)

  • Johan Mowinckel's Third Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Liberal Party (V)

  • Secretaries General in Oslo 1945

    Historisk Regjering

    At the German capitulation in Norway on 8 May 1945, Vidkun Quisling's illegal government was dissolved. In agreement with the resistance movement Home Front, Johan Nygaardsvold's Government in London had appointed eight chief officers to lead the

  • The Norwegian Government's Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security

    08/03/2006 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Norwegian Government's Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security. March 2006

  • 15 years of Partnership on Climate and Forest

    22.03.2023 Separate website NICFI

    On March 22, 2023 in Brasilia, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Marina Silva hosted a meeting with Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment, Espen Barth Eide. The two ministers met to discuss and reaffirm the bilateral climate and

  • Oppdatering i enkeltsak – MoU

    28.10.2022 Separate website Ansvarlig Næringsliv

    SOMO, på vegne av 474 sivilsamfunnsorganisasjoner, leverte en klage mot Telenor til det norske Kontaktpunktet for ansvarlig næringsliv 27. juli 2021. Klagen handlet om risikobaserte aktsomhetsvurderinger, interessentdialog og åpenhet i Telenor’s

  • Historic breakthrough for the forest carbon market

    06.12.2022 Separate website NICFI

    A historic milestone was met on December 1st when it was announced that Guyana was the first country to get issued carbon credits under the new high-integrity carbon standard ART (Architecture for REDD+ Transactions). Guyana was issued 33.47 million

  • Kontaktpunktets dialogmøte og paneldebatt 19. april

    19.03.2023 Separate website Ansvarlig Næringsliv

    Tid: 19. april kl. 9:30 – 12:00 Sted: Litteraturhuset, rom Wergeland – arrangementet vil foregå på norsk og engelsk Dørene åpner kl. 9.00 med kaffe og lett servering. Påmelding her. Det er rom for gode diskusjoner både på og utenfor scenen på

  • Momentum for Rainforests – Reflections by Director of NICFI, Andreas Dahl-Jørgensen

    18.01.2023 Separate website NICFI

    NICFI staff. Foto: Norway’s Ministry of Climate and Environment We look back at an incredible 2022 for NICFI and for our partners’ global efforts to protect rainforests. Leaving 2021 we celebrated the very challenging but absolutely necessary goal

  • Midlene som er holdt tilbake, blir ikke borte

    07.10.2019 Separate website Oppfølging av NOU 2015: 7 - Assimilering og motstand

    Da midlene til Stiftelsen romanifolkets/taternes kulturfond ble holdt tilbake i 2015, ble de årlige beløpene satt av til den kollektive oppreisningen samlet opp i departementet. Noen av midlene ble gitt i tilskudd over en midlertidig

  • New bilateral partnership between Indonesia and Norway

    12.09.2022 Separate website NICFI

    Klima- og miljøminister Epsen Barth Eide signerte avtalen sammen med Indonesias miljø- og skogminister Siti Nurbaya Bakar i Indonesias hovedstad Jakarta 12. september 2022. Photo: Biro Humas KLHK The new partnership between Norway and Indonesia will

  • Efforts to promote freedom of religion or belief

    08/02/2021 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Freedom of religion or belief means that all people have the freedom to practise their religion or belief, either alone or in community with others, in public or in private. It also covers the freedom to convert to another religion, to question

  • Parental responsibility, custody and access in cross-border cases

    19/12/2019 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    New rules on parental responsibility, international relocation, custody (the child's place of residence) and access (contact) in cross-border cases apply from 1 Juy 2016, due to the implementation of the 1996 Hague Child Protection Convention. This

  • Food and Consumers

    20/08/2015 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Norwegian consumers take a great interest in how food is produced, processed and traded in Norway, and consumer opinion is given considerable weight when formulating food policies.

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