
Showing 2741-2760 of 4552 results.

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  • Norad

    External organization Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norad’s primary functions are to advise the aid administration, provide funding for Norwegian and international development NGOs, and carry out quality assurance and evaluation of Norway’s development co-operation activities.

    Web page:

  • Q-42/2015 Guidelines for processing child welfare cases where children have ties to other countries

    15/03/2016 Circular Ministry of Children and Families

    The circular will provide information about how the child welfare service can handle these type of cases, including examinations, measures and the possibility of alternative follow-up of the child abroad. The circular also include a chapter on how

  • Information for exporters

    08/03/2016 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This section describes the responsibilities of exporters. All applications for export licences must be sent via the e-licensing system (in Norwegian only).

  • Sanctions and restrictive measures

    08/03/2016 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The UN Security Council can impose sanctions that are legally binding under international law on states, persons or entities.

  • What is Norway’s export control system?

    08/03/2016 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The export control system is intended to ensure that defence-related products, technology and services are only exported from Norway in accordance with Norwegian security and defence policy, and that exports of dual-use items do not contribute to

  • Convention Norway - Turkey

    07/03/2016 Article Ministry of Finance

    Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Turkey for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on Income.

  • Convention Norway - Bulgaria

    07/03/2016 Article Ministry of Finance

    Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Bulgaria for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on Income.

  • Agreement Norway - British Virgin Islands for profits of associated enterprises

    07/03/2016 Article Ministry of Finance

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the British Virgin Islands on the access to mutual agreement procedures in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprises.

  • Agreement Norway - British Virgin Islands for enterprises operating ships or aircraft in international traffic

    07/03/2016 Article Ministry of Finance

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the British Virgin Islands for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to enterprises operating ships or aircraft in international traffic.

  • Protocol Norway - Bonaire

    07/03/2016 Article Ministry of Finance

    Protocol between the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of the Netherlands in respect of the Netherlands Antilles amending the convention between the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of the Netherlands in respect of the Netherlands Antilles for the

  • Protocol 2009 Norway - Austria

    04/03/2016 Article Ministry of Finance

    Protocol and additional protocol between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Austria amending the convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital signed in

  • Agreement Norway - Aruba

    04/03/2016 Article Ministry of Finance

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Aruba, for the exchange of information with respect to taxes.

  • Ministry of Children and Families

    Ministry Ministry of Children and Families

    The Ministry has the overall responsibility for children welfare services, family affairs, childhood development, religious and life stance affairs and consumer affairs.

  • Agreement Norway - Anguilla

    03/03/2016 Article Ministry of Finance

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and Anguilla concerning the exchange of information relating to tax matters.

  • The Combat Aircraft Blog - the Official Blog of the Norwegian F-35 Program Office

    01/03/2016 Article Ministry of Defence

    Comments and updates - click the link below to visit the blog now!

  • Media Contacts

    01/03/2016 Article Ministry of Defence

    Public Affairs, Ministry of Defence Photos in high-res of the spokespersons can be found on flickr. Press contact for the Minister of Defence: +47 23 09 60 11 . No text/SMS. E-mail: Press contact for the Chief of Defence: +47 91 66

  • A Brief Presentation of the Norwegian F-35 Program

    01/03/2016 Article Ministry of Defence

    History, status, background and plans - learn more in this presentation of the Norwegian F-35 Program.

  • New Combat Aircraft for the Norwegian Armed Forces

    Topic Ministry of Defence

    Welcome to, the Norwegian Ministry of Defence's homepage for the acquisition of new combat aircraft for the Norwegian Armed Forces. Norway plans an acquisition of up to 52 F-35A.

  • EU and energy

    Topic Ministry of Energy

    The EEA Agreement makes Norway an integral part of the EU's internal energy market. In addition, we cooperate with the EU on a wide range of topics.

  • The IA Agreement 2014-2018

    29/02/2016 Article Inkluderende arbeidsliv (IA)

    The Letter of Intent regarding a more inclusive working life (the IA Agreement) is based on a tradition of cooperation and trust between the authorities, employees and employers in Norway, both centrally and locally. This is the fourth letter of

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