News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 301-303 of 303 results.
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Norway is increasing its contribution to NATO enhanced Forward Presence in Lithuania
15/02/2022 News story Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway is strengthening its force contribution in the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) in Lithuania with up to 60 soldiers with a core of one mechanized infantry unit.
Minister of Defence Odd Roger Enoksen: NATO at a crossroad - views from Nato HQ and Norway
07/02/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Defence*Check against delivery*
By Former Minister of Defence Odd Roger Enoksen Forsvarsminister Odd Roger Enoksen sitt innlegg på Litteraturhuset 7. februar. Arrangør var Atlanterhavskomiteen og arrangementet ble kalt "NATO at a crossroad - views from Nato HQ and Norway".
Sanctions and restrictive measures
08/03/2016 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe UN Security Council can impose sanctions that are legally binding under international law on states, persons or entities.