
Showing 3421-3440 of 4551 results.

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  • Finnmark fylkeslag, Autismeforeningen

    10.05.2019 Separate website Autisme- og touretteutvalget

    Helsetjenester: Helhetlig helsetjeneste for barn og unge og voksne gamle med autisme må nødvendigvis innebære at de ulike spesialiseringene for barn, ungdom og eldre får kunnskap om autisme. Mange tenker at det aller viktigste er det å få en

  • Fire års erfaringer er nå oppsummert i én rapport

    03.04.2018 Separate website Program for bedre styring og ledelse i staten

    Programmet ble opprettet på bakgrunn av en grundig gjennomgang av forvaltningens utfordringer. Selv om mye var bra, ble det pekt på noen tydelig utfordringer; altfor detaljert styring, for lite rom for ledelse, krevende samordning på tvers av

  • Strategisk IKT-kompetanse for ledere – hva nå?

    19.11.2017 Separate website Program for bedre styring og ledelse i staten

    Hvis ledere i offentlig sektor skal lykkes med digital transformasjon, må de ha riktig kompetanse. Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT (Difi) inviterer derfor offentlige virksomheter, leverandører og akademia til dialogmøte 27. november for å finne

  • Godalen videregåendeskole

    16.05.2019 Separate website Autisme- og touretteutvalget

    HØRINGSUTTALELSE FRA MILJØFAGLIG GRUPPE GODALEN VGS I STAVANGER Elever med autismespekter søker enten yrkesfaglig eller studiespesialisering i videregående. Vi uttaler oss om elever fra utdanningsprogram for yrkesfag. Vi skulle ønske at elevene som

  • The structural policy for the Norwegian fishing fleet

    23/10/2008 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    See the report to the Storting (St.meld.) 16 March 2007 here.

  • Arctic Strategy

    06/07/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Office of the Prime Minister

    The Norwegian Government presented on 21 April a new Arctic Strategy. An English short version of the strategy is now available.

  • Director General Lars Erik Aamot

    Administrative staff Ministry of Energy

    Head of Oil and Gas Department


    Phone +47 22 24 62 02

    Mobile phone: +47 48 16 11 00

  • “Norwegians? Who needs Norwegians?”

    30/05/2009 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Evaluation Report 9/2000 - Hilde Henriksen Waage: A report prepared by PRIO International Peace Research Institute, Oslo Institutt for fredsforskning. Responsibility for the contents and presentation of findings and recommendations rests with the

  • Regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts

    04/11/2016 Regulation Ministry of Education and Research

    Laid down by the Ministry of Education and Research 9 February 2006 pursuant to section 6-3, sixth paragraph, of the Act of 1 April 2005 No. 15 relating to universities and university colleges.

  • Deputy Director General Anna Berg

    Administrative staff Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The Human Resources and Organization Section


    Phone (+47) 22 24 91 81

    Mobile phone: (+47) 917 03 358

  • Consultation paper on globalisation and increased competition in civil aviation

    Challenges and possible consequences for norwegian aviation

    02/08/2016 Report Ministry of Transport

    Report: Consultation paper on globalisation and increased competition in civil aviation (pdf).

  • Rapport fra Arbeidsgruppen mot Ulovlige Direkte Anskaffelser (AUDA) (.pdf 8,3 MB)

    31/03/2003 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Rapport fra Arbeidsgruppen mot Ulovlige Direkte Anskaffelser (AUDA) (.pdf 8,3 MB)

  • Norway’s Report on Demonstrable Progress under the Kyoto Protocol

    Status report as of December 2005

    20/02/2006 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    T-1453 E / 2006 ISBN 82-457-0402-4 This report seeks to document Norway’s progress in meeting its commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, both at home and on the international scene. It gives a snapshot of trends in emissions and describes the policy

  • The African Development Bank (AFDB)

    21/02/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Report on Convention no 138 concerning minimum age, 1973

    01/12/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    NORWAY R E P O R T for the period ending 31 May 2003, in accordance with article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, from the Government of Norway, on the measures taken to give effect to the provisions of the Convention

  • Norway’s Seventh National Communication

    Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change

    24/04/2018 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    This report is Norway’s seventh national communication on national circumstances, policies and measures related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

  • The Right to Decide about One’s Own Life

    08/03/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    An Action Plan to Combat Negative Social Control, Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation 2017-2020.

  • Revised strategy for combating work-related crime

    29/03/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Office of the Prime Minister

    Work-related crime is a growing challenge involving serious consequences both for workers and undertakings and for society as a whole. The government presented its revised strategy for combating work-related crime February 13th 2017.

  • Action plan for improvement of the living conditions of Roma in Oslo

    15/05/2012 Plans/strategy Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Action plan for improvement of the living conditions of Roma in Oslo(PDF)

  • Report on cases of financial irregularities in 2017

    Foreign Service Control Unit

    19/02/2018 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Service Control Unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made this report on cases of financial irregularities in 2017.

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