
Showing 361-380 of 4545 results.

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  • Oscar Torp's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Labour Party (A)

  • Einar Gerhardsen's Third Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Labour Party (A)

  • Jan P. Syse's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Conservative Party (H), Christian Democratic Party (KrF) and Centre Party (Sp)

  • Kjell Magne Bondevik's First Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Christian Democratic Party (KrF), Centre Party (Sp) and Liberal Party (V)

  • Jonas Gahr Støre's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Labour Party (Lab.) and Centre Party (Cent.)

  • Løvenskiold/Vogt Government

    Historisk Regjering

    The change between the Second Wedel Government and the Løvenskiold/Vogt Government took place at the accession to the throne of King Oscar I on 8 March 1844, following the death of King Carl XIV Johan.

  • Vogt Government

    Historisk Regjering

    The change between the Løvenskiold/Vogt Government and the Vogt Government took place at Severin Løvenskiold’s resignation as Governor-General on 17 June 1856. The Vogt Government was named after First Minister Jørgen Herman Vogt. The change between

  • Interim Government in Stockholm 1857

    Historisk Regjering

    Between 1852 and 1881, a Swedish-Norwegian interim government seven times held the executive power while the King was ill or travelling abroad.

  • Frederik Stang Government

    Historisk Regjering

    The change between the Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government and Frederik Stang’s Government took place at the appointment of Frederik Stang as First Minister on 17 December 1861. On 21 July 1873, First Minister Frederik Stang in Christiania (Oslo) was

  • Interim Government in Stockholm July 1875

    Historisk Regjering

    Between 1852 and 1881, a Swedish-Norwegian interim government seven times held the executive power while the King was ill or travelling abroad. The interim government normally consisted of ten members from each country, that is of the entire Swedish

  • Otto Blehr's First Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Liberal Party (V)

  • Jens Hundseid's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Farmers’ Party (B)

  • Lansering næringslivsundersøkelse

    08.05.2023 Separate website Ansvarlig Næringsliv

    Cathrine Dehli er NHOs representant i Kontaktpunktet og vil lede møtet. Foto: Thorbjørn Helin Åpen Forrige undersøkelse fra 2019/2020 viste svært lav kjennskap til OECDs retningslinjer for ansvarlig næringsliv blant norske næringslivsledere og at få

  • Stiftelsen Nordre Aasen ved Kapellveien habiliteringssenter

    31.05.2019 Separate website Autisme- og touretteutvalget

    Vedlagt er innspill fra Kapellveien habiliteringssenter. Lykke til med arbeidet! Mvh Trine Brunvand Assisterende daglig leder Innspill-til-autisme-og-tourette-utvalget.pdf

  • Referat fra møte i referansegruppa 1. oktober 2018

    23.10.2018 Separate website Oppfølging av NOU 2015: 7 - Assimilering og motstand

    Referat fra møte i ressursgruppa 1. oktober 2018 (PDF)

  • Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide is traveling to Colombia and Brazil to strengthen cooperation against deforestation

    19.03.2023 Separate website NICFI

    – Stopping the destruction of the world’s rainforests is the most effective climate action we can take to reach the 1.5 degree target. Both Colombia and Brazil are showing leadership in the fight to reduce deforestation in the Amazon. I look forward

  • Innovasjonspartnerskap – spennende mulighet for modige og ambisiøse offentlige virksomheter!

    15.06.2017 Separate website Program for bedre styring og ledelse i staten

    Innovasjon Norge, Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT (Difi) og Leverandørutviklingsprogrammet (NHO, KS og Difi) inviterer til skissekonkurranse for offentlig-private innovasjonsprosjekter. De søker modige og ambisiøse norske kommuner og etater som

  • Målet kan ikke være harmoni — da får vi ikke gjennomført nødvendige endringer

    21.11.2017 Separate website Program for bedre styring og ledelse i staten

    «Det er viktigere å være resultatvinner for innbyggere og samfunn enn å være budsjettvinner», sier Marianne Andreassen, direktør i Statens Lånekasse for utdanning. Tidligere i høst vant hun HR Norges lederpris, blant annet for sin

  • NOU 2016: 14 - More to gain

    Better learning for students with higher learning potential

    15/09/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    Report from the Committee appointed by Royal Decree on 18 September 2015. Submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research on 15 September 2016.

  • Meld. St. 8 (2019–2020) - The state’s direct ownership of companies

    Meld. St. 8 (2019–2020) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    22/11/2019 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    In the white paper on ownership policy, the Government describes why the state has direct ownership interests in companies, what the state owns and how the state exercises its ownership.

  • Page 19 of 228
  • Page 19 of 228