News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
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Norsko a Úmluva OSN o právech dítěte
16/03/2016 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesÚmluva OSN o právech dítěte z 20. listopadu 1989 představuje souhrn nejvýznamnější mezinárodně platných pravidel o právech dětí.
Norvegia și Convenția ONU privind Drepturile Copilului
16/03/2016 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesConvenția ONU privind Drepturile Copilului de la 20 noiembrie 1989 (CRC) este cel mai important set de reguli internaționale pe care le deținem pentru protejarea drepturilor copiilor.
How can you prevent your child from being abducted?
27/11/2024 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesIn an emergency situation, if your child is at immediate risk of being abducted, you should contact the local police. Call 02800. You can read more about this under Emergency situation. Is your child at risk of abduction? If you are afraid that your
02/08/2013 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesLegislation The Children Act The Child Abduction Act Act relating to free legal aid General Civil Penal Code (see section 216) Conventions Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction of 25 October 1980 (the Hague
Children and young people’s participation and influence
10/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesAll children and young people have the opportunity to affect their own daily lives and futures through participation and influence in planning and decision-making processes.
Child welfare service assistance measures for young persons between 18 and 25 years of age
07/09/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe objective of providing assistance measures for the 18-25 age group is to give these young persons the necessary help and support during the transition to an independent adult life.
Child Welfare Service Conflict Resolution Board
External organization Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe state and municipal levels of Norway's child welfare service sometimes find themselves in disagreement over problem-solving approaches and financial responsibility. To avoid long and expensive processes while making sure that cases are handled
Allocation Committee for support to voluntary children's and youth organizations
Councils and committees Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Allocation Committee it is an administrative body within the Ministry of Children and Equality whose primary responsibility is to distribute grants and subsidies to voluntary national children's and youth organizations in accord with regulations
The best interests of the child
28/01/2015 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesChildren’s right to be heard and to make their own decisions is regulated in sections 31–33 of the Children Act. There may also be special provisions in other Acts concerning children’s right to be heard and to make their own decisions. Before
Children moving or travelling abroad
19/12/2019 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesParental responsibility includes the rights and responsibilities of a parent in relation to the child or the property of the child. Special rules apply in situations where a parent and child intend to relocate to another country or to travel abroad.
Norway and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
06/02/2019 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from 20 November 1989 (the CRC) is the most important set of international rules we have for the protection of children's rights.
Mediation and parental cooperation
10/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesMarried couples and cohabitants who have children under 16 and who move apart and parents considering legal action may be allowed up to seven hours of free mediation.
Cash benefit for parents of infants
09/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesFamilies with children aged between one and two years who do not attend a kindergarten may receive a cash benefit.
Child benefit
09/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThose who have children under 18 years of age living permanently with them are entitled to child benefit. Child benefit is payable for each child without any means or needs testing and is tax-free.
Legal assistance
27/11/2024 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provide guidance in child abduction cases. There is often also a need for legal assistance from a lawyer/legal practitioner.
International conventions
03/12/2024 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesTo or from a signatory state - the Hague Convention To or from a signatory state - the Counsil of Europe Convention Guides to the Hague convention Guide to Good Practice Child Abduction Convention: Part I - Central Authority Practice Guide to Good
Задачи норвежской Службы защиты детей
19/01/2015 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesСлужба защиты детей должна способствовать тому, чтобы дети и подростки росли в благоприятных условиях. Основной задачей Службы является предоставление необходимой и своевременной помощи и заботы детям и подросткам, условия жизни которых могут
Human rights for persons with intellectual disabilities
«It's about being seen and heard»
13/09/2023 Report Ministry of Culture and EqualityThis is an EasyRead version of the white paper Meld. St. 8 (2022-2023)
Child Welfare Act
01/01/2023 Law Ministry of Children and FamiliesEntry into force: 1 January 2023, 1 July 2023, as determined by the King Download the law: Act relating to child welfare (Child Welfare Act) (PDF)
The Rights of the Child in Norway
16/11/2016 Report Ministry of Children and FamiliesNorway's fifth and sixth periodic reports to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - 2016.