News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 21-23 of 23 results.
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EERA DeepWind 2022
19/01/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy Marte Mjøs Persen gave this digital speech to the EERA DeepWind 2022 conference in Trondheim on 19th January 2022.
The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition
11/11/2021 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy Marte Mjøs Persen held this speech at the energy seminar 'The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition' when signing a MoU on the CCS between Norway and the Netherlands. The seminar was hosted at the
Energy Transition – from fossil fuels to renewables
05/11/2021 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy, Marte Mjøs Persen, held this speech at the round table conference about renewable energy hosted by DNV, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and the German embassy in Norway on 5th November 2021.