
News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.

  • Topic

  • Food and Consumers

    20/08/2015 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Norwegian consumers take a great interest in how food is produced, processed and traded in Norway, and consumer opinion is given considerable weight when formulating food policies.

  • Food

    20/08/2015 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Food is public health and it is delight, it is national and international, trendy and traditional. Food determines family budgets and social economics, regional policy and industrial policy, management of fisheries and - not least - of agriculture.

  • Parliamentary White Paper 31 (2014 - 2015) The Farm as a resource - The market as a goal - Growth and entrepreneurship in agriculture based industry -

    05/06/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The Paper details policies for agriculture based industry other than traditional farming and forestry. The Paper discusses development trends, challenges as well as the potential for future growth and development. The Paper contains individual

  • Seeds remain depositors' property

    23/02/2015 Article, Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was established and is fully funded by the Norwegian government, with the responsibility for operations assigned to The Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The Ministry coordinates daily operation with the Nordic Gene

  • The powerful and the powerless in the food supply chain

    13/04/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The powerful and the powerless in the food supply chain - summary (pdf, 431 Kb)

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