News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 161-165 of 165 results.
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Follow-up plan for veterans
16/04/2015 Article Ministry of Defence"In Service for Norway". Release of a follow-up plan for veterans in Norway, august 26th 2014.
The Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO)
14/12/2014 Article Ministry of Defence“The main aim and purpose of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) is to strengthen the participating nations’ national defence, explore common synergies and facilitate efficient common solutions.” The NORDEFCO structure includes political and
Joint Strike Missile (JSM) - A Considerably Strengthened Norwegian Threshold Against War and Conflict
28/05/2014 Article Ministry of DefenceFriday the 23rd of May 2014 the Norwegian Government presented a bill to Parliament where it proposes to invest nearly NOK 3.7 billion (USD 622 million) in the third and final phase of development of the Joint Strike Missile. The JSM has been in
Meld. St. 14 (2012-2013) - Competency for a new era
01/03/2013 Report to the Storting Ministry of Defence -
Fatal Footprint: The Global Human Impact of Cluster Munitions
02/11/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsFatal Footprint: The Global Human Impact of Cluster Munitions Preliminary Report from Handicap International (in pdf)