Ole Fingalf Harbek

Past appointments:

Administrative Council Member

Ministry of Justice and the Police - Administrative Council in Oslo 1940


On 15 April 1940, the Norwegian Supreme Court – the only legal state organ left in Oslo – appointed a council for the civil administration of areas under Nazi-German occupation, mainly in and around Oslo. This was done with the understanding of Nazi-German occupation authorities. On 24 April 1940, party secretary Josef Terboven in Essen was appointed as Nazi Germany’s reichskommissar for the occupied areas in Norway. He organised a Nazi-German civil administration and started negotiations with the Storting’s presidency on a new government. On 25 September 1940, the Administrative Council was dismissed by Terboven, after negotiations with the Council had been broken. At the same time, Terboven appointed 13 illegal acting ministers, with restricted authority and without a leading minister.