The European Economic Area Agreement
The Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) is the cornerstone of relations between Norway and the EU. It brings together the 27 EU member states and the three EEA Efta states Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in the internal market governed by the same basic rules.
More on The European Economic Area Agreement
Latest on The European Economic Area Agreement
What's new
- State Secretary Varteressian’s remarks at EEA conference in Lisbon Speech/statement 25/11/2024
- Norwegian-supported fund to strengthen rule of law, democracy and human rights in Europe Press release 20/11/2024
- Agreement on EEA and Norway Grants Press release 12/09/2024
- State Secretary Maria Varteressian's speech for EU ambassadors about the EEA Speech/statement 22/07/2024
- Review of Norway’s experience of cooperation under the EEA Agreement Press release 21/04/2024
- NOU 2024: 7 - Norway and the EEA: Development and experiences Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 11/04/2024
- Notification - CO2 tax - exemption for undertakings covered by the ETS Letter 05/03/2024
- Notification - excise duty on waste incineration - exemption for undertakings covered by the ETS Letter 29/02/2024
- NOU 2023: 25 - The transition to low emissions Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 27/10/2023
- Meld. St. 31 (2020–2021) - Financial Markets Report 2021 Report to the Storting 23/04/2021
Related topics
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