Child Welfare Cases Across National Borders

More and more children in Norway have connections to other countries because, for example, they have a foreign nationality, or parents or other family members living abroad.

Guidelines for child welfare cases where children have ties to other countries

The circular will provide information about how the child welfare service can handle these type of cases, including examinations, measures and the possibility of alternative follow-up of the child abroad.


Keeping the children safe: a shared responsibility

We all want the same thing – to ensure that all children grow up in a secure environment free from violence. Yet, explaining child protection measures can be tricky.

Menținerea siguranței copiilor: o responsabilitate comună

Cu toții dorim același lucru: să ne asigurăm că toți copiii cresc într-un mediu sigur, fără violențe. Totuși, explicarea măsurilor pentru protecția copilului poate fi un lucru complicat.

Zajistit dětem bezpečí: společná odpovědnost

Všichni chceme stejnou věc – zajistit, aby všechny děti vyrůstaly v bezpečném prostředí bez násilí. Vysvětlovat smysl opatření na ochranu dětí však může být obtížné.