The Children Act regulates maternity and paternity. The woman who gives birth to the baby is the child's mother and, if the parents are married, the man to whom the mother is married is regarded as the child's father.

The Children Act regulates the establishment of and changes to paternity.

Parental responsibility
Parental responsibility includes the rights and responsibilities of a parent in relation to the child or the property of the child. Parental responsibility shall be exercised according to the child’s interests and needs. The opinion of the child must be given due weight, in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.

Permanent residence and contact arrangements
Foreldre som ikke bor sammen kan selv inngå avtale om felles barn når det gjelder foreldreansvar, fast bosted og samvær. Det lokale familievernkontoret kan bistå.

Parental benefit
Parental benefit is intended to ensure that the parents have an income during parental leave in connection with a birth or adoption. The right to parental benefit is accrued by the parents working.

Child benefit
Those who have children under 18 years of age living permanently with them are entitled to child benefit. Child benefit is payable for each child without any means or needs testing and is tax-free.

Cash benefit for parents of infants
Families with children aged between one and two years who do not attend a kindergarten may receive a cash benefit.