The Norwegian Technical Calculation Committee for Wage Settlements

The Norwegian Technical Calculation Committee for Wage Settlements (TBU) is responsible for laying the foundation for the best possible shared understanding of the situation in the Norwegian economy between the social partners.

The TBU was first appointed in 1967. Since 1969, the committee has been reappointed for periods of four years at a time, most recently in September 2023, when the committee was reappointed for the period lasting until 30 September 2027 with the following remit:

  • In connection with income settlements, the committee shall present the best possible background figures in a form that, as far as possible, helps to avoid disagreement arising between the parties.
  • At the Ministry’s request, the committee must be able to clarify the background figures in connection with special income policy matters.
  • The committee shall present summary reports after the conclusion of income settlements.

The committee's reports are submitted to the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion.