Showing 1-20 of 74 results.
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Announcing one area related to CO2-storage
05/03/2025 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Energy announces one area in the North Sea for companies to apply for exploration licenses related to CO2-storage.
APA 2024: 53 new production licenses awarded
14/01/2025 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Norwegian Ministry of Energy offers 53 new production licenses on the Norwegian continental shelf in the APA 2024 licensing round.
Petroleum Price Board and the norm prices
09/12/2024 Article Ministry of EnergyThe Norwegian Ministry of Energy collects information about sale of crude, natural gas liquids (NGLs) and natural gas from the Norwegian shelf. From 1 July 2011 the companies that submit reports to the Ministry shall report their sales through the
The State acquiers increased ownership in the gas transportation system
12/11/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Energy has entered into purchase agreements of interests in key parts of the gas infrastructure with 7 different companies.
Large revenues from the petroleum industry in 2024
07/10/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe state's net cash flow from petroleum activities is estimated to be 680 billion NOK in 2024. These revenues go into the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global and are expected to provide approximately 20 billion NOK into future budgets.
Norway and the Age of Energy
24/09/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister'We are transitioning out of oil, out of gas, out of fossil, and now into a new chapter. I emphasize transitioning, because this is complex; when energy sources shift, power shifts and politics shifts', said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Columbia University, World Leaders Forum
APA 2024: 21 companies are applying for new exploration areas
06/09/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Energy has received applications from 21 companies in connection with the announcement of the license round for the best-known exploration areas on the Norwegian continental shelf.
International cooperation within energy and petroleum research
29/08/2024 Article Ministry of EnergyParticipation in international R&D cooperation in the field of energy and petroleum has a high priority and is an important supplement to Norwegian national research. Norway participates primarily in co-operation activities within the EU, through
Energy and petroleum research
15/08/2024 Article Ministry of EnergyThe aim of the research and development (R&D) policy within the energy and petroleum sector is to contribute to efficient and sustainable exploitation of Norwegian energy and petroleum resources Developing and implementing new solutions is a key
Meld. St. 31 (2023–2024) - Long-term Perspectives on the Norwegian Economy 2024
Chapter 1
09/08/2024 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance -
Awarding four new licenses for CO2 storage on the Norwegian continental shelf
20/06/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyToday, the Norwegian Ministry of Energy announces offers for four new exploration licenses related to CO2 storage on the Norwegian continental shelf. All the licenses are in the North Sea.
Announcement of areas through APA 2024
08/05/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Norwegian Ministry of Energy is today announcing this year’s licensing round on the Norwegian continental shelf - APA 2024. The annual rounds of awards in predefined areas (APA) give oil companies the opportunity to gain access to attractive
Joint Declaration on cooperation to secure critical subsea infrastructure
09/04/2024 News story Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Digitalisation and Public GovernanceNorway and five other North Sea countries have signed a joint declaration on cooperation to protect energy and telecommunications infrastructure in the North Sea.
Meld. St. 21 (2023–2024) - Norway’s integrated ocean management plans
Meld. St. 21 (2023–2024) Report to the Storting (white paper)
05/04/2024 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Announcement of areas related to CO2 storage
06/03/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Energy announces two areas in the North Sea for applications related to CO2 injection and storage on the Norwegian continental shelf.
The Prime Minister's opening address at Oslo Energy Forum
14/02/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister'When we succeed in carbon capture and storage, it may have major impact far beyond Norway. If we can do our offshore activity with 50 percent reduction of emissions, the technology can have an impact far beyond us', said Prime Minister Støre.
62 new production licenses offered in the APA 2023 licensing round
16/01/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Norwegian Ministry of Energy offers 62 new production licenses on the Norwegian continental shelf in the APA 2023 licensing round. Last year, 47 licenses were awarded.
31/10/2023 Article Ministry of EnergyThe Petroleum research centers (PETROCENTER) are established to solve defined challenges for the utilization of petroleum resources. The centers work with challenges of great national importance and receive public funding for a maximum period of
Energi21 – National strategy for research and development of new energy technology
31/10/2023 Article Ministry of EnergyEnergi21 is the Norwegian strategy for research, development and commercialisation of new climate friendly energy technologies. Established in 2008 it focuses on enhanced value creation and efficient use of resources in the sector by putting efforts
NOU 2023: 25 - The transition to low emissions
Climate policy choices towards 2050
27/10/2023 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Climate and Environment