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Gender equality
06/03/2025 Article Ministry of Culture and EqualityWe wish to promote equality and put in place better protection against discrimination for everyone. A society free from discrimination is a prerequisite for equality and equal opportunities. We therefore need a robust and transparent statutory
Combating Negative Social Control and Honor Based Violence in Norway
13/02/2025 Article Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionNegative social control and honor based violence are serious societal issues that threaten fundamental human rights and individual freedom.
Hate speech and cyberhate
22/01/2025 Article Ministry of Culture and EqualityNo one should be subjected to hate or trolling on the basis of their faith, skin colour, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression etc. Hate can have serious consequences for individuals, groups and society as a whole.
More equal and inclusive society for all LGBTQ people
21/01/2025 Article Ministry of Culture and EqualityThe attack that took place on the night of 25 June 2022 is a painful reminder that work still needs to be done - also politically - to make Norway a safer, more equal and inclusive society for all LGBTQ people. The Government is strengthening
Area focus
20/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionIn some areas with major and complex social challenges, the state and municipalities have joined together to make an extra effort.
Volunteering and dialogue
20/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionVoluntary organisations play an important role in the Integration and inclusion of immigrants in local communities.
Job Opportunity
20/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionImmigrants who require basic qualifications, who have no links with working life and who are not covered by existing schemes are in the target group for this measure.
Introduction programme
20/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe goal is to give the individual basic skills in the Norwegian language and a fundamental insight into Norwegian social conditions and to prepare him/her for work or education.
The Norwegian Nationality Act
20/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Nationality Act and Nationality Regulations contain rules on how persons can become Norwegian nationals and how they may lose their Norwegian nationality.
Discrimination based on ethnicity, religion or belief
19/12/2024 Article Ministry of Culture and EqualityThe Government will prevent and combat racism and ethnic discrimination in Norwegian society. Racism and discrimination lead to fewer voices being heard and fewer perspectives being presented. Racism and discrimination can be an obstacle for an
Interpreting in the public sector
17/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Ministry innenfof Labour and Social Inclusion has the main responsibility for arranging for interpreting to and from Norwegian and other spoken languages in the public sector.
Settlement of refugees
14/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Children and FamiliesSettlement with public assistance is a voluntary service offered by the Norwegian government. The Norwegian Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) and municipalitices decides where refugees are setteled.
New Action Plan to Combat Racism and Discrimination Against Muslims
13/12/2024 Press release Ministry of Culture and Equality, Office of the Prime MinisterThe Norwegian government has presented a new action plan with 30 measures to combat racism and discrimination against Muslims. The action plan also includes the authorities' efforts against racism and discrimination of Muslims outside of Norway.
The Norwegian Government Strengthens and Renews Commitment to Gender Equality
10/12/2024 Press release Ministry of Culture and EqualityThe Government has presented a white paper on sexual harassment and the country's first strategy for gender equality between men and women.
Minister of Culture and Equality Lubna Jaffery's speech during the G20 Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Ministerial Meeting
11/10/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Culture and EqualityDear Minister, your excellencies and distinguished delegates, Congratulations to Brazil on the G20 Presidency this year. And congratulations to you, Minister Gonçalves on the steady leadership in the first year of the Women Empowerment Working Group
By Minister of Culture and Equality Lubna Jaffery Speech during the G20 Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Ministerial Meeting in Brasilia, Brazil
UN Summit: Defending international law more important than ever
23/09/2024 News story Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis week, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre is participating in various events during the UN General Assembly high-level week. ‘In a world rife with conflict causing increasing polarisation, it is more important than ever to safeguard the UN and
Norway’s main priorities for the 79th session of the UN General Assembly
02/09/2024 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsInstructions for the Norwegian delegation.
Kim Friele Memorial Prize awarded to Støttegruppa 25. juni and Insight
19/06/2024 Press release Ministry of Culture and Equality, Office of the Prime Minister‘We are all striving to provide everyone - both in Norway and internationally - with a safe and inclusive society. A society where LGBT+ people can live free and good lives and love whoever they want. Støttegruppa 25. juni, the support group for
International Day for Women in Maritime
18/05/2024 Press release Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesMay 18th is the International Day for Women in Maritime, an annual event initiated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) of the United Nations. The purpose of this day is to highlight women's participation in the industry and emphasize
21/03/2024 Article Ministry of Culture and EqualityPersons with disabilities have the same rights as others. The Norwegian government wants people to be able to live their lives freely, regardless of any disability. The Government wants to promote human rights and thereby equality, equal rights,