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The use of the Sámi language in the public administration
24/11/2014 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentActive and wider use of the Sámi language is a very important element in the further development of Sámi culture. Similarly, it is also important that the Sámi language is used in the public context.
Norway’s Arctic Policy for 2014 and beyond - a Summary
10/11/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe world is turning its attention towards the Arctic now more than at any time in the past. The Arctic is a region of significant and increasing geopolitical importance. It is key to our ability to understand and manage climate change, and its
Norway's arctic policy
10/11/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe report "Norway's arctic policy: Creating value, managing resources, confronting climate change and fostering knowledge. Developments in the Arctic concern us all." was presented by Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Recommendations 17 October 2012 and 11 September 2014 regarding the company Soco International plc.
03/11/2014 Article Government.noOn 17 October 2012, the Council on Ethics recommended the exclusion of the company SOCO International plc. (SOCO) from the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). SOCO has an 85 per cent share in, and is the operator of, a joint venture engaged in
Norway’s humanitarian policy
Annual report 2013
31/10/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsWar and conflict again had an enormous human cost in 2013. Lives were lost, people were seriously injured and children’s schooling was interrupted. Millions of displaced persons lacked food, water and shelter. All this was the consequence of
NOU 2014: 10 - Criminal Capacity, Expertise and Societal Protection
English Translation, Excerpts
28/10/2014 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Justice and Public Security -
History of the Office of the Prime Minister
09/10/2014 Article Office of the Prime MinisterSince 1814, Norway's prime minister has had secretarial assistance also in other than his constitutional tasks, long handled by the State Secretariat/Secretariat to the Council of State. When Prime Minister Johan Nygaardsvold in 1939 was relieved
Prop. 1 LS (2014–2015) - Budget proposal on taxes 2015
08/10/2014 Proposition Ministry of FinanceChapter 1: Main features of the tax programme for 2015 (382,8 kB) Chapter 2: The Norwegian tax system – main features and developments (1005,3 kB)
The proposed Payment Services Directive II - regarding comsumer protecion
03/10/2014 Letter Ministry of FinanceAs party to the EEA Agreement, Norway has implemented Directive 2007/64/EC (PSD I), and has a strong interest in how the revised Directive will be drafted.
Meld. St. 7 (2014-2015) - Long-term plan for research and higher education 2015–2024
03/10/2014 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research -
Evaluation of the grant scheme for Norwegian – Russian collaboration projects in health and related social issues 2009-2011
24/09/2014 Report Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe purpose of the evaluation was to obtain information about the ability of the Grant Scheme for the period 2009-2011 to contribute to the aims outlined in the collaboration programme (Samarbeidsprogram 2009), in the 3rd Barents Collaboration
Recommendations from 2010, 2012 and 2014 regarding the companies Repsol S.A. and Reliance Industries Limited
19/09/2014 Article Government.noOn 1 December 2010 the Council on Ethics recommended the exclusion of the companies Repsol YPF (now Repsol S.A) and Reliance Industries Limited from the Government Pension Fund Global. The companies were partners in a joint venture which was
Core values of Norway's defence sector
12/09/2014 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of DefenceThe defence sector defends Norwegian territory, the Norwegian people and Norway’s interests. The defence sector promotes certain general values. This values platform for the sector is aimed to highlight these values.
Health System in Transition, Norway
Health system review
01/09/2014 Report Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series consists of country-based reviews that provide a detailed description of a health system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development in a specific country. Each review is
Action plan against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism
28/08/2014 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityDownload the action plan (pdf) With this plan, the Norwegian government wants to improve the efforts to combat radicalisation and violent extremism. Terrorism is the most extreme consequence of radicalisation and violent extremism. Thus,
CLIMIT and Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)
22/08/2014 Article Ministry of EnergyCLIMIT is a national programme for research, development and demonstration of technologies for capture, transport and storage of CO2 from fossil-based power production and industry.
Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM)
22/08/2014 Article Ministry of EnergyTechnology Centre Mongstad (TCM) is the world's largest facility for testing and development of carbon capture technologies. TCM contributes to global efforts to combat climate change, and is a key part of Norway's CCS policies.
Facts 2014 – All you need to know about Norwegian petroleum activities
22/08/2014 Article Ministry of EnergyIn cooperation with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has published a new edition of its annual book on the Norwegian petroleum sector, Facts 2014. The publication gives a comprehensive overview of the
Monetary policy
20/08/2014 Article Ministry of FinanceThe current regulation on monetary policy was established 29 March 2001 in a white paper to the parliament (Report No. 29 (2000-2001). Norges Bank’s operational implementation of monetary policy shall be aimed at low and stable inflation, defined as
The Norwegian Council of State
18/08/2014 Article Government.noMeetings of the Norwegian Council of State are generally held on Fridays at 11:00 at the Royal Palace in Oslo.