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Reports on active management of the Government Pension Fund Global
18/12/2009 Article Ministry of FinanceFour reports that have been received in connection with the work of evaluating active management.
Research cooperation
23/03/2020 Article Ministry of Education and ResearchIncreasingly, research is being carried out in cooperation across national borders, and a growing proportion of resources for research are being distributed in international competitive arenas.
Learning environments and bullying
25/01/2023 Article Ministry of Education and ResearchAll children and pupils have the right to a good and safe learning environment that promotes health, well-being and learning.
Tertiary Vocational Education
21/03/2019 Article Ministry of Education and ResearchTertiary vocational education provides vocational education founded on upper secondary education or equivalent prior learning and work experience, and comprises the equivalent of at least one-half and no more than two entire academic years.
Training in the Norwegian language and social studies
14/12/2014 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe goal of training in the Norwegian language and social studies is that participants are to reach a level of skill in Norwegian that enables them to use or develop their competence in education, work and social life in general.
Women’s participation in peace processes
27/06/2024 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsEnsuring women's participation and that both women and men's rights are safeguarded in peace processes and peace agreements is a central objective for Norway's work.
Admission to places
16/12/2014 Article Ministry of Education and ResearchThe entitlement to a place in a kindergarten applies to children who turn one year old no later than the end of November in the year that they apply for a place. Children born after the end of November will be entitled to a place in the following
Funding of Kindergartens
16/12/2014 Article Ministry of Education and ResearchThe goal is to make kindergarten available to all children regardless of their parents’ financial situation.
Health Cooperation with the EU and in the European Economic Area
07/05/2008 Article Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThrough the European Economic Area (EEA) Norway, although not a member of the European Union, cooperates closely with the EU and its member states in public health and food safety matters.
Governance model
17/04/2023 Article Ministry of FinanceThe Ministry of Finance holds the overall responsibility for the management of the Government Pension Fund. The Government Pension Fund comprises the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) and the Government Pension Fund Norway (GPFN). The
Evaluations and reports
03/10/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsOn this page you can find links to agreements, reports and evaluations related to the EEA and Norway Grants.
What the EEA Agreement covers
31/03/2021 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsUnder the EEA Agreement, Norwegians and the Norwegian business sector have the same rights and obligations as citizens and businesses in other EEA countries, for example when it comes to trade, investments, banking and insurance, buying and selling
Duration of Norwegian Coaliton Governments 1895-
28/06/2022 Article Government.noThe list covers governments since October 1895, when Francis Hagerup's First Government took office as the first coalition after the introduction of parliamentarism had started in 1884.
Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA)
03/05/2019 Article Ministry of TransportThe Norwegian Coastal Administration is an agency of the Norwegian Ministry of Transport responsible for services related to maritime safety, maritime infrastructure, transport planning and efficiency, and emergency response to acute pollution.
The Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO)
14/12/2014 Article Ministry of Defence“The main aim and purpose of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) is to strengthen the participating nations’ national defence, explore common synergies and facilitate efficient common solutions.” The NORDEFCO structure includes political and
The working environment and safety
23/01/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionEnterprises are themselves responsible for preventing accidents and harm to health as a result of work. Employers have a duty to ensure that the working environment is both safe and satisfactory.
Children who cross national borders
09/05/2019 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesUnaccompanied minor asylum seekers, children subjected to human trafficking and child welfare services across national borders.
Gender equality
23/01/2023 Article Ministry of Culture and EqualityWe wish to promote equality and put in place better protection against discrimination for everyone. A society free from discrimination is a prerequisite for equality and equal opportunities. We therefore need a robust and transparent statutory
Marriage and relationships
10/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesPeople of the opposite sex or two people of the same sex can enter into a marriage. Marriage has legal consequences for the spouses in a number of areas.
Divorce and relationship breakdowns
04/11/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesA spouse who does not wish to continue the relationship can apply to the county governor for a separation. After a separation of one year, either of the spouses can apply to the county governor for a divorce.