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Sørlige Nordsjø II
11/09/2024 Article Ministry of EnergyThe area of Sørlige Nordsjø II is located south in the North Sea, close to the border to Denmark, and was opened for renewable offshore energy production on the 12th of June with a capacity of 3000 MW. Ventyr SN II AS won the auction for the
Business and industry in Norway - Industrial-policy challenges
26/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesWe are undergoing a period characterised by rapid changes in the international economy and industrial structure. Increasing competition and efficiency requirements mean that products are being manufactured to an ever greater extent in integrated
Fact sheet EEA and Norway Grants to Hungary
21/12/2020 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsFact sheet: Working Together for a Green, Competitive and Inclusive Europe.
Health, medical equipment
List page -
Business and industry in Norway - The timber and pulp and paper industry
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesWood products Pulp and paper Number of companies 1051 33 Number of employees 15531 6120 This sector’s export share 40 90 Gross product in percentage 0,6 0,8 Norway has vast forests, and timber is the most important raw material for its
Business and industry in Norway - Mineral products
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of companies 614 Number of employees 9955 This sector’s export share 19 Gross product in percentage 0,6 Mineral products are often divided into three main categories: glass and glassware; ceramic products; and other mineral products. These
Business and industry in Norway - 2) Technology-based industries
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe past few years have seen the formation of a number of companies that use advanced technology and specialist expertise to manufacture goods for niches in the market. Many have a background in the shipbuilding and electrotechnical industries,
Business and industry in Norway - 4) Information and communication
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of employees 78 635 Number of companies 9 112 Turnover NOK 182,1 billion Information and communication technology (ICT) is a large and rapidly growing industry that is becoming increasingly important to Norwegian commerce. The ICT business
Kompetanseforum om åpenhetsloven 28. oktober
04/11/2021 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesKompetanseforum ble avholdt 28. oktober med deltakelse fra relevante organisasjoner og eierdepartementer. Tema for forumet var Lov om virksomheters åpenhet og arbeid med aktsomhetsvurderinger (åpenhetsloven), med formål om bedre å forstå hvilke
Business and industry in Norway - The chemical industry
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of companies 557 Number of employees 21973 This sector’s export share 59 Gross product in percentage 2,2 The chemical industry in Norway is very diverse, consisting of everything from small niche companies manufacturing for the domestic
Business and industry in Norway - Wholesale and retail trades
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of employees 302 400 Gross product in percentage 14,34 The wholesale and retail trades make up a significant part of Norway’s economy, and increased sales have led to the formation of many new companies and a doubling of the number of people
Business and industry in Norway - The textile and ready-made clothing industry
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of companies 542 Number of employees 7960 This sector’s export share 50 Gross product in percentage 0,3 The textile and ready-made clothing industry includes companies that cover a wide range when it comes to raw materials, production
Division of responsibility and coordination
19/01/2010 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation has overriding responsibility for coordinating Sami matters.
Deputy to the Norwegian Prime Minister
18/04/2024 Article Government.noThe system of an appointed deputy to the prime minister has been in use in two governments where the prime minister has wanted to give the leader of the second largest government party a clear rank as number two. It was the case during the last
Consultation duty in Sami matters
13/08/2018 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentAs an indigenous people, the Sami are entitled to be consulted on matters that affect them, this right is enshrined in ILO Convention no. 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, Article 6. The Agreement on procedures for
The Opening Seremony 26.02.2008
30/01/2014 Article Government.noClick on the picture for a larger format. All photo: Mari Tefre/Svalbard Global Seed Vault The Entrance of Svalbard Global Seed Vault. The Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg Carry Fowler, executive director of Global Crop Diversity Trust,
Key Figures 2013: Overview and rates of direct and indirect taxes
01/03/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceKey figures for the Norwegian economy, main figures of the Fiscal Budget and rates of direct and indirect taxes.
Marketing authorisation of medicinal products
12/02/2024 Article Ministry of Health and Care ServicesA medicinal product may only be placed on the market in the European Economic Area (EEA) when a marketing authorisation has been issued. There are four procedures for marketing authorisation.
Investment Strategy
17/04/2023 Article Ministry of FinanceThe objective of Fund investments is to achieve the highest possible return over time, given an acceptable level of risk. The Fund shall be managed responsibly within this overarching financial objective.
Defence Budget 2013
07/10/2012 Article Ministry of DefenceThe proposal for defence budget for 2013 will be published here Monday 8 October, 10 AM. (DSS)