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Improving lower secondary schools in Norway
OECD-report - Executive Summary April 2011
06/05/2011 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchThe report Improving lower secondary schools in Norway aims to help education authorities in Norway and other OECD countries to understand the importance of lower secondary education and to find approaches to strenghten this key educational level.
Guidelines for the Differentiated Sami Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education Programmes
19/01/2010 Guidelines Ministry of Education and ResearchThe Guidelines supplement the Regulations and are to provide the policy for the institutions’ programme descriptions.
National Guidelines for Differentiated Teacher Education Programmes
12/04/2011 Guidelines Ministry of Education and ResearchThe National Guidelines are based on the National Curriculum Regulations for Differentiated Teacher Education Programmes for Years 1 - 7 and Years 5 - 10. The Regulations provide the overarching policy for the differentiated teacher education
Meld. St. 14 (2010–2011) Towards greener development
08/04/2011 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsMeld. St. 14 (2010-2011) Towards greener development: On a coherent environmental and development policy.
Norwegian proposal on the digitization of radio
Summary of Report No. 8 (2010-2011) to the Storting
01/04/2011 Report Ministry of Culture and EqualityOn 4 February 2011 The Norwegian Ministry of Culture presented a report on the digitization of radio to the Storting (the Norwegian national assembly). The report determines the conditions that must be met ant a target date for switch-off of FM
The Norwegian Government's strategy for cooperation between Brazil and Norway
28/03/2011 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway and Brazil will develop a strategic partnership in areas where each country has strengths and expertise to offer the other, and where cooperation will result in mutual enrichment and economic growth and development in both countries.
Melting snow and ice. A call for action
14/12/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsForeign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and former vice president Al Gore presented the report "Melting snow and ice. A call for action" at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 14 December.
Recommendation of November 16, 2009, on suspension of exclusion of United Technologies Corp.
28/09/2012 Article Government.noThe company is no longer excluded from the Fund. Please find the recommendation to suspend the exclusion here.
Norwegian National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet – an outline
07/08/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe objectives of the Public HealthReport to the Storting (White paper) Meld. St. 19 (2014-2015) Coping and opportunities - provide the foundation for the National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet:
The cost of inadequately educating asylum seekers and refugees
Economic Analysis Norway 32 - 2016
30/05/2016 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchThis report has calculated the socio-economic cost that will arise if children and young people who arrive in Norway as asylum seekers or refugees were to receive inadequate education at primary and secondary level.
Recommendation of November 20, 2006, on exclusion of the company Monsanto Co
28/09/2012 Article Government.noIn November 2006, the Council on Ethics recommended that the Ministry of Finance should exclude Monsanto Co. from the investment universe of the GPFG. The Council then held the view that continued investment in the company would entail an
Recommendation of February 15, 2008, on exclusion of companies Rio Tinto Plc and Rio Tinto Ltd.
28/09/2012 Article Government.noOpen as pdf document
Report: Breaking the Silence
17/06/2009 Report Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityThe Norwegian Minister of Justice and the Police Knut Storberget hosted the 29th Conference of Council of Europe Ministers of Justice in Tromsø 19-19 June 2009. He presented the report 'Breaking the Silence'.
Recommendation of February 16, 2009, on the exclusion of the company Norilsk Nickel
20/11/2009 Article Government.noThe company is recommended for exclusion due to an unacceptable risk of contributing to severe environmental damage. Please find the recommendation here.
T-1468 ENG/CHI Universal design
Clrification of the concept
30/11/2007 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentT-1468 ENG/CHI ISBN 978-82-457-0726-6 Universal design - Clarificaton of the concept (pdf)
Norwegian Bilateral Development Cooperation 2007
10/11/2008 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe annual report describes bilateral development cooperation between Norway and 30 of the countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East that received the most assistance in 2007.
National Strategic Plan for Work and Mental Health
18/02/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care ServicesNational Strategic Plan for Work and Mental Health 2007-2012
New Building Blocks in the North
07/04/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe High North efforts build on constructive partnerships - between the public and private sector, between central and local authorities, and between Norwegian and foreign actors.
An english summary of the white paper on long-tem perspectives for the Norwegian economy
20/03/2009 Report Ministry of FinanceOn 9 January 2009 the Government presented a report to the Storting (Norwegian parliament) on long term perspectives for the Norwegian economy.
Norwegian National Action Plan on Alcohol and Drugs
17/03/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThis Action Plan lays out the Government’s areas of priority in the field of alcohol and drug problems.