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Norway and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
06/02/2019 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from 20 November 1989 (the CRC) is the most important set of international rules we have for the protection of children's rights.
Norvegia și Convenția ONU privind Drepturile Copilului
16/03/2016 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesConvenția ONU privind Drepturile Copilului de la 20 noiembrie 1989 (CRC) este cel mai important set de reguli internaționale pe care le deținem pentru protejarea drepturilor copiilor.
Norsko a Úmluva OSN o právech dítěte
16/03/2016 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesÚmluva OSN o právech dítěte z 20. listopadu 1989 představuje souhrn nejvýznamnější mezinárodně platných pravidel o právech dětí.
Задачи норвежской Службы защиты детей
19/01/2015 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesСлужба защиты детей должна способствовать тому, чтобы дети и подростки росли в благоприятных условиях. Основной задачей Службы является предоставление необходимой и своевременной помощи и заботы детям и подросткам, условия жизни которых могут
Division of responsibility in the Child Welfare Services
24/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesBoth the local and central authorities have duties and responsibilities in the child welfare field. The municipality is responsible for performing those functions under the Child Welfare Services Act which are not assigned to a central government
Child welfare service assistance measures for young persons between 18 and 25 years of age
07/09/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe objective of providing assistance measures for the 18-25 age group is to give these young persons the necessary help and support during the transition to an independent adult life.
Proposal for temporary amendments to the Child Welfare Act to handle the increase in refugees from Ukraine to Norway
29/04/2022 News story Ministry of Children and FamiliesA large number of children are expected to arrive in Norway in the same period of time and many may require help from the child welfare service. The Norwegian Government is proposing necessary adaptations today to prepare the services to receive
Submission of the report from the Expert Commission on Child Welfare to the Minister for Children and Families
20/03/2023 News story Ministry of Children and FamiliesToday, the Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe received the Expert Commission on Child Welfare’s report with recommendations on strengthening children’s and parents’ legal protection in the child welfare service.
Child Welfare Act
01/01/2023 Law Ministry of Children and FamiliesEntry into force: 1 January 2023, 1 July 2023, as determined by the King Download the law: Act relating to child welfare (Child Welfare Act) (PDF)
Consultation regarding adaptations and exemptions from the Child Welfare Act to handle the increase in refugees from Ukraine to Norway
06/04/2022 News story Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe authorities are now planning for a large number of children to arrive in Norway at the same time. The current dispensation rules allow an increase in people in care centres. The services may become overwhelmed, nevertheless. The Ministry of
Information about the 1996 Hague Convention
09/05/2019 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesNorway has ratified the 1996 Hague Convention. The Convention and the Norwegian implementation act enter into force on 1 July 2016.
Main Points in the Guidelines
16/03/2016 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe circular will provide information about how the child welfare service can handle these type of cases, including examinations, measures and the possibility of alternative follow-up of the child abroad.
Children who cross national borders
09/05/2019 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesUnaccompanied minor asylum seekers, children subjected to human trafficking and child welfare services across national borders.
Q-42/2015 Guidelines for processing child welfare cases where children have ties to other countries
15/03/2016 Circular Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe circular will provide information about how the child welfare service can handle these type of cases, including examinations, measures and the possibility of alternative follow-up of the child abroad. The circular also include a chapter on how
Supervision of foster homes
08/03/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe municipality where the foster home is located is responsible for supervision of all children in foster homes.