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Submission from Norway, 16th of February, 2010
16/02/2010 Letter Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentViews on how to best advance the work in 2010, including the need for additional meeting time
Public consultation – NOU 2024:2: In interaction with nature – nature risk for industries, sectors and society at large in Norway
03/04/2024 Consultation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentNorwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment is now having the report on public consultation.
Deadline for consultation: 30/06/2024 Status: Consultation is being processed
CO2 emissions permit for Statoil's combined heat and power plant at
12/10/2006 Letter Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentCO2 emissions permit for Statoil's combined heat and power plant at Mongstad: The CO2 emissions permit for Statoil's combined heat and power plant at Mongstad is pursuant to the Act of 13 March 1981 concerning protection against pollution and
Gratulasjonsbrev Picolotti
29/03/2006 Letter Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentRomina Picolotti CEDHA - The Center for Human Rights and Environment General Paz, 186 - 10mo. Piso, "A" Córdoba 5000, Argentina Your ref Our ref Date 2006/355 Dear Romina Picolotti, I congratulate you with the Sophie Prize 2006. I was glad to learn
Norway’s Eighth National Communication
Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change
12/04/2023 Report Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThis report is Norway’s eighth national communication on national circumstances, policies and measures related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Proposition No. 79 to the Storting (2001-2002) - National Salmon Rivers and Salmon Fjords
21/06/2002 Proposition Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Предписание о разбивке лагерей и пребывании в них на Свальбарде
27/06/2002 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentПринято Губернатором Свальбарда 27 июня 2002 года на основании Закона от 15 июня 2001года, N 79 «Об охране окружающей природной среды архипелага Свальбард», § 76.
Bergen Declaration
Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea, 2021 March 2002Bergen, Norway
05/07/2002 Report Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe Bergen Declaration Ministerial Declaration ( PDF) 170 kB Déclaration Ministerielle ( PDF) 170 kB Erklärung der Minister ( PDF) 1 120 kB Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea 2021 March 2002 Bergen, Norway
Regulation Concerning the Declaration and Labelling of Microbiological Products
22/01/1998 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of these regulations is to prevent the microorganisms in microbiological products from damaging human health or having detrimental environmental effects in the form of disturbance of ecosystems, pollution, waste, etc.
Regulations relating to impact assessment pursuant to the Gene Technology Act
16/12/2005 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentLaid down by Royal Decree of 16 December 2005 pursuant to section 11, cf section 8, of the Act of 2 April 1993 No. 38 relating to the production and use of genetically modified organisms, etc. Submitted by the Ministry of the Environment.
Norway’s Fourth Biennial Report
Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change
02/04/2020 Report Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentDownload report (pdf) Introduction This report is Norway’s fourth biennial report related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The previous biennial reports were submitted in, 2014, 2016 and 2018 respectively.
The Norwegian Government’s hydrogen strategy
03/06/2020 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of EnergyTowards a low emission society
Consultation - Draft regulation relating to an environment fee for visitors to Svalbard
08/09/2006 Consultation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentConsultation - Draft regulation relating to an environment fee for visitors to Svalbard Summary
Deadline for consultation: 19/06/2016 Status: Consultation has been processed
Norwegian Strategy on Invasive Alien Species
31/05/2007 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentAlien species are a growing problem in Norway. Globally, they are considered to beone of the most serious threats to biodiversity.
Draft Bill relating to the right to environmental information
18/04/2007 Article Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Regulations relating to the labelling, transport, import and export of genetically modified organisms
02/09/2005 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentLaid down by Crown Prince Regent’s Decree of 2 September 2005 pursuant to section 10, third and fourth paragraphs, and section 14 of Act No. 38 of 2 April 1993 relating to the production and use of genetically modified organisms (the Gene Technology
Предписание об анализе последствий и определении границ территорий планирования на архипелаге Свальбард
28/06/2002 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentПринято на основании королевской резолюции от 28 июня 2002 года в соответствии с законом от 15 июня 2001 года, N 79 «Об охране окружающей природной среды архипелага Свальбард» (закон об охране природы Свальбарда). Представлено Министерством охраны
Norway's Proposal to Auction Assigned Amount Units: Implementation options
11/09/2009 Report Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentDownload the report. (pdf)
The Nature Experience and Mental Health
Report of the "Outdoor Life and Mental Health" Nordic Project
10/05/2010 Report Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentDownload report extract in english (pdf) T-1474 E / 2010 ISBN 978-82-457-0439-6 (An extract of the comlete original report entitled Naturopplevelse, friluftsliv og vår psykiske helse ("The Nature Experience and Mental Health"), Published June 2009.)
Minister Eide’s Statement on the occasion of the signing of MoU between Norway and Indonesia
12/09/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentMinister Eide’s Statement on the occasion of the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between Norway and Indonesia on Partnership in Support of Indonesia’s Efforts to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU). Jakarta