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NOU 2023: 25 - The transition to low emissions
Climate policy choices towards 2050
27/10/2023 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) - A changing climate – united for a climate-resilient society
Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) Report to the Storting (white paper)
16/06/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Norwegian National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet – an outline
07/08/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe objectives of the Public HealthReport to the Storting (White paper) Meld. St. 19 (2014-2015) Coping and opportunities - provide the foundation for the National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet: