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International cooperation within energy and petroleum research
29/08/2024 Article Ministry of EnergyParticipation in international R&D cooperation in the field of energy and petroleum has a high priority and is an important supplement to Norwegian national research. Norway participates primarily in co-operation activities within the EU, through
Energy and petroleum research
15/08/2024 Article Ministry of EnergyThe aim of the research and development (R&D) policy within the energy and petroleum sector is to contribute to efficient and sustainable exploitation of Norwegian energy and petroleum resources Developing and implementing new solutions is a key
Energi21 – National strategy for research and development of new energy technology
31/10/2023 Article Ministry of EnergyEnergi21 is the Norwegian strategy for research, development and commercialisation of new climate friendly energy technologies. Established in 2008 it focuses on enhanced value creation and efficient use of resources in the sector by putting efforts
Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research
31/10/2023 Article Ministry of EnergyThe first Research Centers for Environmentally Friendly Energy (FME) were established in 2009. The programme is administered by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and involves support for research centers (consortia) consisting of a host
Announces the first competitions for offshore wind
29/03/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of EnergyBy announcing the first competitions for offshore wind areas, the Norwegian government takes a big step towards its ambition of allocating areas for 30,000 MW offshore wind by 2040.
Closer cooperation between Norway and Germany to develop green industry
05/01/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNorway and Germany are expanding cooperation to increase production of renewable energy and to develop green industry. The two countries have issued two joint declarations outlining the next steps in their cooperation in the areas of hydrogen,
Ambitious offshore wind initiative
11/05/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesToday, the Government is presenting a major initiative to promote offshore wind power. The aim is to use offshore wind power to generate new electricity on a par with the total amount of electricity currently produced in Norway. The initiative will
PETROMAKS2 – large program for petroleum research
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyPETROMAKS2 succeeds the PETROMAKS program, which was completed in 2012. The program is administered by the Research Council of Norway and includes both strategic basic research and competence development as well as applied research and technology
ENERGIX - Large program for energy research
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyThe ENERGIX program was established in 2013 and supports research and development on renewable energy, energy effienciency, energy system and energy policy. ENERGIX will contribute to achieving energy policy goals as well as increased value creation
CLIMIT - Research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture and storage technology
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyThe CLIMIT programme is Norway’s national programme for research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS). It covers the entire chain from long-term, competence-building basic research to projects that demonstrate
Capture, transport and storage of CO₂
19/03/2020 Article Ministry of EnergyThe government will contribute to developing technology for capture, transport and storage of CO₂ (CCS), and has an ambition to realise a cost effective solution for full scale CCS in Norway, provided this will result in technology development
Pollution preparedness and response
21/04/2016 Article Ministry of EnergyThe Norwegian petroleum industry has very high environmental and climate standards compared with those in other countries.
Emissions to air from the petroleum sector
08/08/2008 Article Ministry of EnergyNationally, petroleum operations account for 31 percent of CO2 emissions, 24 percent of NOx emissions and 41 percent of nmVOC emissions.