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Norwegian Government to expand and extend support for Ukraine’s fight for freedom
07/10/2024 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Office of the Prime MinisterThe Norwegian Government is proposing to increase the overall funding framework for the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine to NOK 135 billion and to extend the Support Programme for an additional three years. The proposed allocation represents a
MFA - Budget proposal 2023: Giving priority to crisis response, food security and climate change adaptation
06/10/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe budget proposal for 2023 reflects the situation caused by the war in Ukraine. Areas to be given priority are humanitarian aid, efforts to combat hunger and climate change, and increased efforts to promote women’s rights. The Government has
Norway to increase support for humanitarian efforts and government administration in Ukraine
30/09/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs‘The brutal war continues and Ukrainians are facing a cold winter. The scale of humanitarian need is enormous. We have proposed that NOK 2 billion of Norway’s support for Ukraine in 2022 should be used for humanitarian efforts and to help the
The Revised National Budget: Government proposes record-high aid budget of NOK 44.9 billion
12/05/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs‘The war in Ukraine is having impacts across the globe. The number of people who have been displaced is rising and more people than ever before do not have enough to eat. The Government is proposing an increase of NOK 3.6 billion in the aid budget,
The National Budget: A green aid budget with a focus on solidarity
08/11/2021 Press release Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Government has proposed an aid budget of over NOK 41 billion for 2022. In order to address the climate threat, the Government has proposed a significant increase in funding for efforts in the areas of renewable energy, food security and climate