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Notification - excise duty on waste incineration - exemption for undertakings covered by the ETS
29/02/2024 Letter Ministry of FinanceNotification - excise duty on waste incineration - exemption for undertakings covered by the ETS
On the public consultation on Capital Markets Union from the Norwegian Ministry of Finance
13/05/2015 Letter Ministry of FinanceReference is made to the Green Paper on Building a Capital Markets Union (CMUGreen Paper) dated 18 February 2015. The Norwegian Ministry of Finance supports the initiative of the Commission to create a more integrated capital market across European
Financing change: Norway’s experience in sharing wealth
25/07/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of FinanceTaxing the riches of nature: sharing in the prosperity from national resources
By Minister of Finance Trygve Slagsvold Vedum At a business event 24 July in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, prior to G20 Finance Ministers meeting
Response from Norway to the Reasoned Opinion on the Norwegian Reporting Obligation when hiring non-resident contractors
05/04/2019 Letter Ministry of FinanceThe Ministry of Finance's response to ESAs reasoned opinion on the Norwegian reporting obligations.
Convention Norway - Turkey
07/03/2016 Article Ministry of FinanceConvention between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Turkey for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on Income.
Seminar: Corporate Income Tax in a Small Open Economy
29/11/2013 Article Ministry of FinanceWhat are the challenges facing the corporate income tax and which solutions are available? In this seminar we will focus on possible solutions within the existing international framework; how should the corporate income tax be designed in a
The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for combating economic crime
09/06/2004 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityThe Government is giving priority to increased efforts against economic crime. An action plan for combating economic crime with measures aimed at several areas of society, will be implemented over the course of 2004-2007.
Annual report 2004 - combating of corruption
01/04/2005 Report Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityThe great influx of enquiries to 'The project on the combating of corruption and money laundering' from both Norway and abroad in 2004 indicates a steadily growing awareness of corruption and money laundering.
Norway and the Age of Energy
24/09/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister'We are transitioning out of oil, out of gas, out of fossil, and now into a new chapter. I emphasize transitioning, because this is complex; when energy sources shift, power shifts and politics shifts', said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Columbia University, World Leaders Forum
Complaints against Norway relating to reporting obligations when contracts are given to non-resident contractors
12/10/2016 Letter Ministry of FinanceThe Norwegian Tax Assessment Act (TAA) § 5-6 and Regulation on Third Party Reporting Obligation ("Third Party Regulation") § 5-6-1- to § 5-6-6.
Response to the European Commission’s Consultation on the Review of the EU Macro-Prudential Policy Framework
24/10/2016 Letter Ministry of FinanceThe Norwegian Ministry of Finance, Finanstilsynet and Norges Bank welcome the opportunity to provide a common feedback on the EU macroprudential policy framework.
MFA - Budget proposal 2023: Giving priority to crisis response, food security and climate change adaptation
06/10/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe budget proposal for 2023 reflects the situation caused by the war in Ukraine. Areas to be given priority are humanitarian aid, efforts to combat hunger and climate change, and increased efforts to promote women’s rights. The Government has
The National Budget 2023: Historic investment in the Regular General Practitioner Scheme
07/10/2022 Press release Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe government is proposing a NOK 690 million boost to the Regular General Practitioner Scheme in 2023, resulting in a total annual budget of NOK 920 million. In what is an otherwise tight budget, the government has still been able to accommodate an
Profits from natural resources will be better distributed
28/09/2022 Press release Ministry of Finance, Office of the Prime MinisterEnergy producers and the aquaculture industry make billions of kroner on our common resources. The Government is now proposing that more of the value created should go back to society.
Revised National Budget: Key figures in the Revised National Budget 2022
12/05/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceTo secure equal access to information that might be market sensitive, the Ministry of Finance publishes selected key figures prior to launching the Revised National Budget at 10:45 a.m. More detailed estimates will be published with the Revised
The National Budget: A green aid budget with a focus on solidarity
08/11/2021 Press release Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Government has proposed an aid budget of over NOK 41 billion for 2022. In order to address the climate threat, the Government has proposed a significant increase in funding for efforts in the areas of renewable energy, food security and climate
Resource rent tax on onshore wind energy
28/09/2022 News story Ministry of FinanceThe government proposes the introduction of resource rent tax on onshore wind energy as from 2023. The proposal will be referred for public consultation before the end of the year, and involves the taxation of resource rent at an effective rate of
Revised National Budget: Hospitals will receive larger budgets
16/05/2023 News story Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Norwegian Government proposes a permanent budget increase for hospitals, in addition to extraordinary price and wage adjustments in the hospital budgets. This amounts to a total of NOK 4.7 billion.
Revised National Budget: A responsible budget that provides security for people throughout Norway
11/05/2023 Press release Ministry of FinanceIn the revised budget, the government will prioritise crucial public services such as healthcare, the police and refugees. Providers of public services and benefit recipients will receive compensation for wage growth and inflation. The government
Revised National Budget: Additional round-the-clock care places
16/05/2023 News story Ministry of Health and Care ServicesTo ensure good and safe health and care services for the elderly, the Government proposes to increase the grant limit for round-the-clock care facilities by NOK 2 billion. The Government also proposes to expand the Tørn programme under the Norwegian