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  • Norway is electric

    22/06/2021 Article Ministry of Transport

    No other country in the world has more electric vehicles per capita than Norway: 54 per cent of all new cars sold in Norway in 2020 are electric, more than 12 per cent of our total car park is now electric, and the car with the highest sales in

  • Israel – Palestine: A negotiated two-state solution

    06/07/2022 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway’s long-term engagement seeks to advance a negotiated two-state solution, with two states, Israel and Palestine, existing side by side in peace and security within secure and internationally recognised borders. It is Norway’s position that

  • KOMpakt

    12/06/2012 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    KOMpakt is the Government’s consultative body on matters relating to CSR. In autumn 2011, KOMpakt was restructured and its mandate was revised. Today, KOMpakt has 33 members, who represent different groups of stakeholders: the authorities, the

  • Guidelines for Whistleblowing and Handling Issues of Concern in the Foreign Service

    26/10/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Here you will find the guidelines for whistleblowing in the Foreign Service and how you should handle different issues of concern.

  • The protection of civilians and health workers in conflict situations

    11/04/2019 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Ensuring protection against violence, abuse and violations of fundamental human rights is a key part of the humanitarian response, both in situations of armed conflict and natural disasters. Protection has been identified as one of three main

  • Marriage and relationships

    10/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    People of the opposite sex or two people of the same sex can enter into a marriage. Marriage has legal consequences for the spouses in a number of areas.

  • Gender equality

    23/01/2023 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    We wish to promote equality and put in place better protection against discrimination for everyone. A society free from discrimination is a prerequisite for equality and equal opportunities. We therefore need a robust and transparent statutory

  • Research Ethics

    25/01/2023 Article Ministry of Education and Research

    Academic freedom is a fundamental principle of research and is an important condition for ensuring independent and reliable research. At the same time, the credibility of research depends on us being ability to trust the researchers. Ethics in

  • International cultural cooperation

    13/06/2018 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Ministry of Culture and Equality is responsible for Nordic and multilateral cultural cooperation, whilst the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for bilateral cultural cooperation and promoting Norwegian arts and culture abroad.

  • Questions and answers: Norway tightens its rules for Ukrainians

    20/12/2023 Article, Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Below are questions and answers regarding the tightening of rules for Ukranians.

  • Members of the Government

    List page

  • Norway's Council of State during and after the Dissolution of the Union with Sweden

    18/04/2024 Article

    At the Norwegian decision to dissolve the union with Sweden on 7 June 1905, the office of a Norwegian prime minister in Stockholm and the system of a Norwegian council of state division there, was abolished.

  • The National Budget 2024

    Overview page

    Information about Norway's National Budget for 2024, presented to the Storting as Report no. 1 (2023-2024) on 6 October 2023. The National Budget presents the Støre Government's programme for the implementation of economic policy and projections for

  • Cyber Security Strategy for Norway

    18/12/2012 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Government’s primary objective in publishing a national strategy for information security is to set the direction and priorities that will form the basis for the government’s information security efforts in the coming years.

  • Investigation into foreign informational influence

    07/09/2020 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    An analysis of the Norwegian municipal administration and county authorityelections in 2019.

  • Norwegian Prime Minister in Stockholm - Time in Office

    14/04/2011 Article

    Name From To Yrs Mnths Days 1. Otto Richard Kierulf (Norway's Prime Minister 1871-1873) 21.07.1873 11.10.1880 7 2 20 11.10.1880 21.03.1884 3 5 10 10 8 20 2. Gregers Gram 13.07.1889 06.03.1891 1 7 21 02.05.1893 14.10.1895 2 5 12 14.10.1895 17.02.1898

  • The Rights of the Child in Norway

    16/11/2016 Report Ministry of Children and Families

    Norway's fifth and sixth periodic reports to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - 2016.

  • Regulations relating to fees payable at Norway’s diplomatic and consular missions

    04/01/2021 Regulation Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Adopted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 20 June 2014 under section 21 of the Act of 3 May 2002 No. 13 relating to the Foreign Service, cf Royal Decree of 20 June 2014. As subsequently amended, most recently on 16 October 2020.

  • Barriers to digitalization

    Executive summary of KPMG report to the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    18/06/2014 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    On the assignment from the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, KPMG has undertaken a mapping and analysis of barriers for digitalization among Norwegian Companies.

  • The IA Agreement 2014-2018

    29/02/2016 Article Inkluderende arbeidsliv (IA)

    The Letter of Intent regarding a more inclusive working life (the IA Agreement) is based on a tradition of cooperation and trust between the authorities, employees and employers in Norway, both centrally and locally. This is the fourth letter of

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