Showing 3061-3080 of 3904 results.
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The structural policy for the Norwegian fishing fleet
23/10/2008 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesSee the report to the Storting (St.meld.) 16 March 2007 here.
Steady as she goes
The Government`s strategy for environmentally friendly growth
03/10/2007 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Government’s vision: Norway will be a world leading maritime nation. Norwegian maritime industry will supply the most innovative and environmentally friendly solutions for the future.
In Need of a Better Framework for Success
12/01/2010 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchAn evaluation of the Norwegian participation in the EU 6th Framework Programme (2003-2006) and the first part of the EU 7th Framework Programme (2007-2008).
Recommendation from 2009 and 2013 concerning the companies Africa Israel Investments Ltd. and Danya Cebus Ltd.
30/01/2014 Article Government.noThe companies Africa Israel Investments Ltd. and Danya Cebus Ltd. were recommended for exclusion from the Government Pension Fund Global because of their activities in the building of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Please find the
The Sami Act
29/05/2007 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentAct of 12 June 1987 No. 56 concerning the Sameting (the Sami parliament) and other Sami legal matters (the Sami Act)
Jørgen Løvland
27/05/2011 Article Government.noJørgen Gunnarsson Løvland was educationist, politician and civil servant. Councillor of State 17 February 1898-21 April 1902, Chief of the Ministry of Labour. Member of the Norwegian Council of State Division in April 1899, Chief of the Ministry of
Wollert Konow (S. B.)
22/04/2024 Article Government.noWollert Konow (Søndre Bergenhus) was manufacturer and politician. Prime Minister 2 February 1910-20 February 1912. Also Chief of the Ministry of Auditing, and also of the Ministry of Agriculture until 1 March 1910. Born at Stend in Fana (Bergen) 16
Report No. 20 to the Storting (2006-2007) - National strategy to reduce social inequalities in health
09/02/2007 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services -
A new regional policy - for different regions. Globalization changes the conditions for regional growth
17/08/2007 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Digitalisation and Public GovernanceIn 2005 the Government presented a White Paper on regional policy to Parliament (Storting) in which the Government presents its regional policy objectives, assessments, and measures to achieve the goals.
National strategy on access to and sharing of research data
13/02/2018 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchResearch data should be shared and reused more widely.
Immigration and Integration 2016–2017
Report from Norway to the OECD
09/01/2018 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionAnnually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report Immigration and Integration 2016-2017 - Report for Norway is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries.
National goals and guidelines for open access to research articles
22/08/2017 Guidelines Ministry of Education and ResearchThe government’s goal is that all pubclicly funded Norwegian research articles should be made openly available by 2024, and the government has established guidelines and measures for open access to research articles.
Strategy for Lower secondary Education in Norway: Motivation and Mastery for better Learning
04/09/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchJoint effort to improve classroom management, numeracy,reading and writing.
Jørgen Vogt
01/06/2011 Article Government.noJørgen Herman Vogt was lawyer, civil servant and politician. Acting Chief of 1st Ministry (finance affairs) 7 October-18 November 1814. State Secretary 9 July 1822-16 September 1825. Councillor of State 16 September 1825-19 September 1836, Chief of
Nicolai Krog
01/06/2011 Article Government.noNicolai Johan Lohmann Krog was army officer and politician. (Photo: Wikipedia). Acting Councillor of State 23 August 1821, Council of State Division in Stockholm. Appointed 15 June 1822, Chief of the Ministry of the Army. Member of the Council of
Thorium as an energy source
- Opportunities for Norway
15/02/2008 Report Ministry of EnergyAn investigation into the possibility and risk of utilizing thorium as a source of energy.
Oscar Torp
13/03/2012 Article -
Report No. 34 to the Storting (2006-2007) - Norwegian climate policy
22/06/2007 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentSummary in English
Recommendation of 15 November 2005
06/06/2006 Letter Ministry of Finance -
Sofus Arctander
31/05/2011 Article