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  • Equal rights - equal opportunities

    30/08/2013 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Action Plan for Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Foreign and Development Policy 2013-15.

  • Cloud Computing strategy for Norway

    21/06/2016 Plans/strategy Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    In recent years cloud computing has become an important alternative for IT sourcing for the Norwegian public sector. We see that a growing number of both infrastructure and software services are being supplied in the cloud. Provided that other

  • Report on Convention no 98 concerning right to organise and collective bargaining, 1949

    01/12/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    NORWAY R E P O R T for the period ending 31 May 2004, made by the Government of Norway, in accordance with article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation on the measures taken to give effect to the provisions of the

  • Report on Convention no 105 concerning abolition of forced labour, 1957

    01/12/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    NORWAY R E P O R T for the period ending 31 May 2003, in accordance with article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, from the Government of Norway, on the measures taken to give effect to the provisions of the Convention

  • Conference Report: Protecting education from attack

    The Oslo Conference on Safe Schools, Oslo, Norway 28– 29 May 2015

    14/09/2015 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Oslo Conference on Safe Schools: Protecting Education from Attack, was organised in Oslo 28-29 May 2015. At the Conference, representatives of states came together to show their interest in - and commitment to - the common goal of enhancing the

  • Severity of illness and priority setting in Norway

    Summary of a report from a working group, November 2015

    20/10/2016 Report Ministry of Health and Care Services

    In 2015, the Government appointed a working group with the specific task of determining how to assess severity of illness in practical priority setting in the health care sector. The working group submitted its report to the Ministry of Health in

  • Regulations on a framework plan for the content and tasks of kindergartens

    22/10/2019 Regulation Ministry of Education and Research

    The core values of kindergartens shall be promulgated, practised and manifest in every aspect of a kindergarten's pedagogical practices. Childhood has intrinsic value, and kindergartens shall take a holistic approach to the children's development.

    Read regulation at

  • Supply Chain Transparency

    Proposal for an Act regulating Enterprises’ transparency about supply chains, duty to know and due diligence

    10/02/2020 Report Ministry of Children and Families

    Report of the Ethics Information Committee, appointed by the Norwegian government on 1 June 2018, to assess the adoption of an ethics information law. Recommendations delivered to the Ministry of Children and Families on 28 November 2019.

  • Getting Out the Vote

    Experiments in voter mobilization among immigrants and natives in Norway

    09/05/2016 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    This report describes the results of two sets of randomized Get-Out-the-Vote experiments, testing the effectiveness of mailmobilization appeals directed at immigrants as well as SMStext messages directed at both immigrants and native voters inNorway.

  • OECD – Thematic Review of Early Education and Care Policy in Norway 2015

    24/06/2015 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has performed a review of Norway's Early Education and Care (ECEC) policy, and the analysis and recommendations were published in June 2015 in the report "Early Childhood Education

  • The Government's Work Programme for Cooperation with the EU 2015

    18/06/2015 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Government adopted its work programme for cooperation with the EU 2015 in February.

  • Recommendation on exclusion

    05/01/2006 Letter Ministry of Finance

  • G-12/2020 – Revised circular relating to Entry into force of the Regulations relating to rejection etc. of foreign nationals out of concern for public health

    12/06/2020 Circular Ministry of Justice and Public Security

  • Norwegian Government Ministries 1905 - 1940

    18/04/2024 Article

    As Norway's first foreign minister, Prime Minister Jørgen Løvland came from the post as Prime Minister Christian Michelsen’s deputy. Due to this, it was in 1905 established that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs be mentioned first in the list of

  • Marcus Rosenkrantz

    01/06/2011 Article

    Marcus Gjøe Rosenkrantz was landowner, county governor and politician. (Painting: Christian August Lorentzen, photo: Eidsvoll1814). Councillor of Government 2 March-19 May 1814, Chief of Rigsbanken (Danish National Bank) in Norway. Councillor of

  • Act on a national register for land information (Cadastre Act)

    17/06/2005 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

  • Municipal planning functions

    17/11/2021 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The municipality is the local planning authority. The municipalities are responsible for preparing a municipal master plan with a social element and a land-use element, and for creating a municipal planning strategy. In addition, the municipalities

  • Vitamins, minerals and certain other substances to foods

    02/02/2021 Article

    Chapter II contains supplementary national provisions relating to the addition of vitamins and minerals to foods, excluding food supplements. Chapter III contains supplementary national provisions regarding the addition of certain “other substances”

  • Prop. 89 L (2020–2021) - Temporary Act relating to amendments to the Election Act and Local Government Act (measures for remedying the negative consequences of Covid-19)

    19/02/2021 Proposition Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    This is an unofficial translation of Prop. 89 L (2020-2021). Legal authenticity remains with the Norwegian version.

  • Food Contact Materials

    02/02/2021 Article

    Requirement on Declaration of Compliance for all types of food contact materials. Maximum limits for Cd and Pb in release of metals from articles made of glass, metal and non-ceramic materials without enamel coatings. Maximum limits for Pb, Cd and

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