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  • Statement by Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide on settler violence in the West Bank

    24/04/2024 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    I am deeply alarmed by the recent surge in settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. Civilians are killed, homes and private property have been destroyed, and entire communities have been uprooted.

  • Remarks by State Secretary Maria Varteressian during 'Norway Night' at Hannover Messe, Germany

    24/04/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Being a partner country at the world’s largest industrial fair - in Germany, our most important partner in Europe - provides a unique opportunity to showcase Norwegian industry and businesses, the State Secretary underlined in her opening remarks.

    By State Secretary Maria Varteressian

  • Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide on the report of the Commission of Inquiry into the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

    23/04/2024 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    I welcome the report of the Independent Commission of Inquiry, chaired byby Catherine Colonna, on UNRWA's handling of neutrality issues, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide.

  • German-Norwegian cooperation on hydrogen

    23/04/2024 News story Ministry of Energy

    Germany and Norway are continuing the cooperation on evaluating an industry-driven and commercial large-scale supply of hydrogen from Norway to Germany. Industrial players are in the driver’s seat for bringing the commercial and technical processes

  • NOK 1 billion to prevent plastic pollution

    23/04/2024 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘Plastic pollution is one of the fastest growing environmental problems in the world. We are now extending our initiative to combat plastic pollution in developing countries by providing up to NOK 1 billion over a period of four years’, said

  • State Secretary Maria Varteressian’s speech at the opening of The Lety u Písku Memorial to the Holocaust of the Roma and Sinti in Bohemia

    23/04/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Your Excellency President Pavel, Members of the Czech Government, Distinguished Guests, Dear Descendants of the Roma and Sinti Holocaust Victims, I am both honoured and touched to represent the Norwegian Government here in Lety today. For many of

    By State Secretary Maria Varteressian

  • The Revised National Budget 2024

    Overview page

    Information in English about Norway's Revised National Budget for 2024, presented to the Storting as Report no. 2 (2023-2024) on 14 May 2024. The Revised National Budget presents the Government's programme for the implementation of economic policy

  • Norway's Council of State after the Dissolution of the Danish-Norwegian Realm 1814

    22/04/2024 Article

    When the Danish-Norwegian realm was dissolved in the Treaty of Kiel on 14 January 1814 - where Norway was transferred from the Danish King to the Swedish King, separate Norwegian governing bodies again became necessary.

  • Jacob Stang

    22/04/2024 Article

    Hans Georg Jacob Stang was lawyer, civil servant and politician. (Photo: County Governor of Vest-Agder). Councillor of State 26 June 1884-6 June 1888, Member of the Council of State Division in Stockholm. Chief of the Ministry of the Interior August

  • Jens Stoltenberg

    22/04/2024 Article

    Jens Stoltenberg is economist and politician. Secretary-General of NATO since 2014. State Secretary 12 November 1990-22 November 1991, Ministry of the Environment. Councillor of State 7 October 1993-25 October 1996, Chief of the Ministry of Industry

  • Odvar Nordli

    22/04/2024 Article

    Odvar Nordli has been accountant, politician and county governor. Councillor of State 17 March 1971-18 October 1972, Chief of the Ministry of Local Government and Labour. Prime Minister 15 January 1976-4 February 1981. Born in Stange in the County

  • Wollert Konow (S. B.)

    22/04/2024 Article

    Wollert Konow (Søndre Bergenhus) was manufacturer and politician. Prime Minister 2 February 1910-20 February 1912. Also Chief of the Ministry of Auditing, and also of the Ministry of Agriculture until 1 March 1910. Born at Stend in Fana (Bergen) 16

  • Emil Stang

    22/04/2024 Article

  • Frederik Stang

    22/04/2024 Article

  • Norwegian Government Ministries since 1945

    22/04/2024 Article

    According to royal decree of 8 May 1945, Norway’s central administration was now organised as shown below when Johan Nygaardsvold's Government on 14 May 1945 returned to Oslo after its exile in London during the Second World War:

  • Mathias Sommerhielm

    22/04/2024 Article

    Councillor of Government 2 March-19 May 1814, Chief of 3rd Ministry (justice affairs). Councillor of State 19 May 1814-1 July1822, Chief of 3rd Ministry (justice affairs). Confirmed in office 11 November 1814. Chief of 2nd Ministry (Justice Affairs)

  • Peder Anker

    22/04/2024 Article

    Prime Minister 18 November 1814-1 July 1822. Born in Christiania (Oslo) 8 December 1749, son of merchant Christian Ancher (1711-1765) and Karen Elieson (1723-1806). Married 26 October 1772 to Anna Elisabeth Cold (1749-1803), daughter of Crown Court

  • Title of Norway's Prime Minister

    22/04/2024 Article

    The Norwegian Constitution of 4 November 1814 introduced the title “statsminister” (literally minister of state although translated into English as prime minister) for the presiding councillor of state, according to Swedish practice.

  • Norway's Prime Minister

    22/04/2024 Article

    The Norwegian Constitution of 4 November 1814 introduced the title “statsminister” (literally “minister of state”, while translated into English as “prime minister”) for the presiding member of the Government, according to Swedish practice.

  • Hans Henrik von Essen

    22/04/2024 Article

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