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  • Central Government Communication Policy

    16/10/2009 Guidelines Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    The communication policy encompasses the central objectives and principles for the government’s communication with citizens, businesses, non-governmental organizations and other public agencies.

  • State ownership in numbers: companies in category 2

    26/06/2024 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    For companies in Category 2 the State’s goal as an owner is sustainable and the most efficient possible attainment of public policy goals.

  • The peace process in Colombia

    27/06/2024 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Colombian government resumed negotiations with the country's remaining guerrilla movement ELN in Caracas on 21 November 2022. Norway is one of the guarantor countries.

  • Svalbard Environmental Protection Act

    15/06/2001 Law Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The purpose of this Act is to preserve a virtually untouched environment in Svalbard with respect to continuous areas of wilderness, landscape, flora, fauna and cultural heritage.

    Read act at

  • Web TV

    The Blue Justice initiative celebrates 5 years!

    11/06/2024 News story Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy Marianne Sivertsen Næss together with state secretary Bjørg Sandkjær (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) invites to a celebration conference that it

  • Web TV

    Revised National Budget 2024: A budget to provide security in demanding times

    14/05/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Defence and security are the priorities in the Norwegian government’s proposal for the Revised National Budget. The government’s most important duty is to safeguard its people. Defence capability will be strengthened with a historic budget increase

  • The Kavli Prize

    13/06/2024 Article Ministry of Education and Research

    The Kavli Prize recognises outstanding scientific research and honours highly creative scientists. The prize should also promote public understanding of scientists and their work, and foster international cooperation among scientists.

  • State ownership of land in Svalbard

    27/06/2024 Article

    The Norwegian state owns 98.75 per cent of all land in Svalbard. Through its ownership in Kings Bay AS and Bjørnøen AS, the state indirectly owns a further 0.75 per cent of land in the archipelago.

  • The Oslo Call to Cali

    05/07/2024 News story Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Oslo Ministerial Dialogues on Nature 25 June, Co-Chairs’ statement by Minister Susana Muhamad and Minister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen.

  • The ocean nation of Norway

    15/10/2018 Article

    Every day hundreds of thousands of Norwegians go to work in the ocean industries, which together account for about 70 per cent of Norway’s export earnings.

  • New Seeds in Svalbard Global Seed Vault

    28/05/2024 News story Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Svalbard Global Seed Vault welcomes shipments from four new depositors. The world’s largest repository of crop diversity raises the number of the samples in its care to 1.29 million.

  • Reindeer husbandry and indigenous peoples' rights

    05/01/2015 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Reindeer husbandry policies are guided by two independent principles: economic policy and indigenous peoples' rights.

  • NOU 2023: 9 - System of Generalist Municipalities

    29/03/2023 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Norwegian government appointed by royal decree in October 2020 a committee with the assignment to assess how the municipal system works, and to consider alternatives to this system. The committee delivered its Official Norwegian Report (NOU 2023

  • UNFF19: High level segment roundtable

    15/05/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    UNFF19's (United Nations Forum on Forests) high level segment roundtable.

    By State Secretary Wenche Westberg

  • NOU 2022: 1 - Cruise traffic in Norwegian waters and adjacent sea areas

    Maritime safety, emergency preparedness and rescue – challenges and recommendations

    23/02/2022 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Justice and Public Security

  • NOU 2024: 2 - In interaction with nature

    – Nature risk for industries, sectors and society at large in Norway

    12/02/2024 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Climate and Environment

  • Recommendation of March 20, 2013, on the observation of the company Eni Sp.A

    21/10/2013 Article

    Please find the Council's recommendation here. Please find the Ministry's press release here.

  • Changes among the state secretaries

    08/03/2024 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    In today’s Council of State, The Crown Prince Regent has honourably discharged Mr. Halvard Ingebrigtsen as State Secretary to Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Jan Christian Vestre. Mr. Ingebrigtsen is appointed State Secretary to Prime Minister

  • German-Norwegian cooperation on hydrogen

    23/04/2024 News story Ministry of Energy

    Germany and Norway are continuing the cooperation on evaluating an industry-driven and commercial large-scale supply of hydrogen from Norway to Germany. Industrial players are in the driver’s seat for bringing the commercial and technical processes

  • Job Opportunity

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Immigrants who require basic qualifications, who have no links with working life and who are not covered by existing schemes are in the target group for this measure.

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