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  • Petroleum resources

    30/11/2010 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The treaty on maritime delimitation of 15 September 2010 establishes the maritime boundary between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean. The delimitation line unambiguously determines which country has the rights to any

  • State Secretary Kravik visited Venezuela

    03/04/2024 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    State Secretary Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik visited the Venezuelan capital Caracas on 2 - 3 April.

  • White paper on Broadband, September 2033,summary

    02/02/2004 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    White paper on Broadband, September 2003, summary(pdf)

  • NOU 2017: 2 - Integration and trust

    Long-term consequences of high immigration – Translation of chapter 1.1.

    01/02/2017 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    This report highlights the socio-economic impact of immigration. Furthermore, it discusses to which extent a persistent high level of immigration may influence solidarity and trust in Norway and the importance of differences in terms of culture and

  • NTNU Energy Transition Conference

    29/03/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Energy

    Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this pre-recorded speech at the NTNU Energy Transition Conference hosted in Trondheim on 29th March 2022.

    By Minister of Energy Terje Aasland

  • Changes in the Government

    19/04/2024 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    In the Council of State today, the Crown Prince Regent has made changes in the Government.

  • Statement on schools in Gaza

    18/04/2024 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    All schools in Gaza have been closed for 625,000 students for 6 months. Norway is deeply troubled that nearly 90% of schools in Gaza are damaged or destroyed.

  • Press centre

    List page Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Press Media representatives can get in contact with politicians through the Press centre of the Ministry on e-mail or telephone +47 948 49 749. Information about The Coronavirus situation.

  • Recommendations from the working group on government transactions and the money market

    03/04/2024 News story Ministry of Finance

    In June 2023, the Ministry of Finance appointed a working group composed of experts from Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway) and the Ministry of Finance to examine the effects of government transactions on the money market. The working group has

  • Article IV and FSAP

    08/10/2023 Article Ministry of Finance

    Under Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the IMF visits Norway and holds bilateral discussions every year. A staff team collects economic and financial information, and discusses with officials the Norwegian economic developments and

  • Norway's Governments since 1814

    Overview page

    Welcome to an overview of Norway's governments, the Council of State, since 1814.

  • Forms from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    28/06/2017 Article Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Here you can download forms and questionnaires to fill in and/or print.

  • Revised National Budget: Key figures in the Revised National Budget 2024

    14/05/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    To secure equal access to information that might be market sensitive, the Ministry of Finance publishes selected key figures prior to presenting the Revised National Budget at 10:45 a.m. More detailed forecasts will be published in the Revised

  • The Global Food Challenge

    26/01/2016 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The world population will grow to 9 billion people by 2050. Food production therefore needs to be increased by 70 percent in the same period. This is a major challenge, partly because conditions for agricultural production are altered as a result of

  • Construction work 28.09.2007

    04/05/2009 Article

    The pictures may be used freely, but the photographer (company or name) must be credited. Click on the picture for a larger format. Photo: Mari Tefre/Global Crop Diversity Trust Entrance to Seed Vault. Inside the tunnel. Inside the tunnel.

  • Sports policy

    25/08/2021 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Ministry of Culture and Equality has overall responsibility for the administration of profits generated by Norsk Tipping AS (Norway’s national lottery and gaming provider) for investment in sporting activities.

  • Minister Tvinnereim’s remarks at the launch of Norway's new humanitarian strategy

    24/05/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    (as delivered) High Commissioner, dear friends, and colleagues, welcome to this launch of Norway's revised humanitarian strategy. It sets the course for our humanitarian policies in the years to come. We meet against a bleak backdrop. Humanitarian

    By Minister of International Development Anne Beathe Tvinnereim May 15 at Oslo Concert Hall

  • Departments

    List page Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development currently consists of eight specialised departments with responsibility for specific policy areas, a department of administrative affairs and a communication unit.

  • Calling for urgent action to end hunger

    12/06/2024 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    A champions call to scale up action to end hunger, was issued today by Norway, Brazil and Sierra Leone. The three countries are co-chairs in the Alliance of Champions for Food System Transformation. With Norway as host, a lunch was convened in Oslo

  • Assembly of battle tanks in Norway

    11/06/2024 News story Ministry of Defence

    'I would like to congratulate KNDS Deutschland and RITEK who have today signed an agreement which means that, for the first time in history, tanks will be assembled in Norway. 37 of the 54 Leopard 2 tanks Norway has ordered from German Krauss-Maffei

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