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  • Poul Christian Holst

    24/05/2011 Article

    Poul Christian Holst was civil servant and politician. (Painting 1839: Johan Görbitz). Acting Chief of 1st Ministry (finance affairs) 20 August-7 October 1814. State Secretary 2 December 1814-9 July 1822 (leave of absence 1817-1821). Councillor of

  • Christian Michelet

    24/05/2011 Article

    Christian Fredrik Michelet was lawyer and politician. (Photo: Oslobilder). Minister of Foreign Affairs 21 June 1920-22 June 1921. Minister of Foreign Affairs 6 March-30 May 1923, acting Prime Minister 24 March-30 May 1923. Minister of Foreign

  • Niels Rye

    24/05/2011 Article

    Niels Mathias Rye was civil servant and politician. (Photo: Acting Councillor of State 21 March-3 April 1884, Chief of the Ministry of the Interior, acting Prime Minister 29 March-3 April 1884. Born at Bø in Telemark 24 August

  • Ole Bachke

    24/05/2011 Article

    Ole Andreas Bachke was lawyer and politician. (Photo: Oslo Museum). Councillor of State 13 October 1879-11 October 1880, Chief of the Ministry of Justice. Member of the Council of State Division in Stockholm September 1880. Councillor of State 11

  • Anne Enger Lahnstein

    24/05/2011 Article

    Anne Enger has been teacher of nursing and politician. County Governor of Østfold since 2004. (Photo: Centre Party). Councillor of State 17 October 1997-8 October 1999, Chief of the Ministry of Culture and Deputy to the Prime Minister. Also acting

  • Trygve Lie

    24/05/2011 Article

  • Francis Hagerup

    24/05/2011 Article

    George Francis Hagerup was lawyer, politician and diplomat. Councillor of State 2 May 1893-14 October 1895, Chief of the Ministry of Justice. Member of the Norwegian Council of State Division in Stockholm July 1894, Chief of the Ministry of Finance

  • Otto Blehr

    24/05/2011 Article

    Otto Albert Blehr was civil servant and politician. Norwegian Prime Minister in Stockholm 6 March 1891-2 May 1893. Norwegian Prime Minister in Stockholm 17 February 1898-21 April 1902. Prime Minister 21 April 1902-22 October 1903, also Chief of the

  • Johannes Steen

    24/05/2011 Article

  • Johan Sverdrup

    24/05/2011 Article

  • Christian Schweigaard

    23/05/2011 Article

    Christian Homann Schweigaard was lawyer and politician. Councillor of State 22 December 1880-3 April 1884, Chief of the Ministry of Auditing. Member of the Interim Government in Stockholm 16-26 September 1881, Chief of the Ministry of Auditing

  • Christian Selmer

    23/05/2011 Article

    Christian August Selmer was lawyer and politician. Councillor of State 29 July 1874-11 October 1880, Chief of the Ministry of the Army. Member of the Interim Government in Stockholm 26 May-5 June 1875, Chief of the Ministry of the Army June 1875,

  • Otto Richard Kierulf

    23/05/2011 Article

    Otto Richard Kierulf was army officer and politician. (Painting: Army Academy, photo: NTBScanpix/Prime Minister's Office). Prime Minister 1 November 1871-21 July 1873. Norwegian Prime Minister in Stockholm 21 July 1873-21 March 1884. Norwegian Prime

  • Georg Sibbern

    23/05/2011 Article

  • Agreement Norway - Macao/China

    20/05/2011 Article Ministry of Finance

  • Convention Norway - Portugal

    20/05/2011 Article Ministry of Finance

  • Ethical guidelines for contact with business and industry in the defence sector

    16/05/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence

    Guidelines | August 2019

  • Collective security – a shared responsibility

    09/05/2011 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    This is Norway’s first action plan for the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism. The plan has been based on four priority areas: knowledge and information,strengthening the authorities’ co-operation, strengthened dialogue and greater

  • Kindergarten Act

    09/05/2011 Law Ministry of Education and Research

    Kindergartens shall provide children under compulsory school age with good opportunities for development and activity in close understanding and collaboration with the children's homes.

    Read act at

  • The Norwegian Government Pension Fund's adherence with the Santiago principles

    06/05/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    Norway supports the international guidelines for sovereign wealth funds, the so called Santiago-principles or Generally Accepted Practices and Principles for Sovereign Wealth Funds (GAPP). The principles represent minimum standards which the

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