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  • Recommendation of December 1, 2010, on exclusion of the company Alstom SA

    25/10/2013 Article

    The Ministry of Finance has decided to place the French company Alstom SA under observation due to the risk of gross corruption in the company’s operations. The Council on Ethics recommended the company for exclusion the 1st of December 2010.

  • National Strategic Plan for Work and Mental Health

    18/02/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care Services

    National Strategic Plan for Work and Mental Health 2007-2012

  • National strategy for libraries 2020-2023 - A space for democracy and self-cultivation

    02/09/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Education and Research

    Libraries are houses of democracy: from the National Library of Norway to public libraries, school libraries, special libraries and research libraries. Together, they constitute an important part of the democratic infrastructure and are one of the

  • Act relating to concession in the acquisition of real property (Concession Act)

    23/11/2006 Law Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Proposition No. 79 (2002-2003) to the Odelsting, Recommendation No. 11 to the Odelsting and Decision No. 8 (2003-2004) of the Odelsting. Decisions of the Odelsting and Lagting respectively 13 and 20 November 2003. Submitted by the Ministry of

  • A Guide to Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains

    12/06/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Norwegian Government wishes to contribute to strengthening the role of Norwegian businesses as engines for sustainable development and poverty reduction, while at the same time supporting the efforts of the UN and the ILO to promote responsible

  • Carbon Capture and Storage. Progress and Next Steps

    Report from IEA

    18/06/2010 Report Ministry of Energy

    IEA/CSLF Report to the Muskoka 2010 G8 Summit.

  • Public Participation in Planning

    12/09/2016 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    How to Facilitate Increased Public Participation and Influence in Municipal and Regional Plannning pursuant to the Planning and Building Act.

  • Meld. St. 1 (2018–2019) National Budget 2019

    08/10/2018 Article Ministry of Finance

    Norway is a country of great opportunities. High labour utilisation and high productivity are the foundations for high economic growth throughout the country. The Government’s eco-nomic policy is based on the premise that wealth needs to be created

  • Consequences for registered municipalities and county municipalities

    08/11/2007 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Consequences for registered municipalities and county municipalities For registered municipalities and county municipalities, the following resolutions are not valid until approved by either the County Governor or the Ministry: A resolution to raise

  • About the Credibility of the Register

    08/11/2007 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    If a municipality or a county municipality is registered in the Register for State Review and Approval of Financial Obligations, resolutions to raise loans or to enter long-term renting contracts are not valid until approved by the County Governor

  • Norway - Candidate to The World Heritage Comittee 2017

    18/04/2017 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Culture-nature, integrated approach, generations, future, community, cooperation, pride, sustainability, credibility

  • Regulations 18 November 2013 No. 1403 on the safety of toys

    01/02/2021 Article

    The regulation establishes the safety objectives toys must fulfil when being placed or made available on the market.

  • The child's place of residence and contact arrangements

    09/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    Parents are free to agree on arrangements regarding parental responsibility, the child's place of residence, and access and contact arrangements. In the event of a separation, married and cohabiting parents with children under the age of 16 are

  • Agreement Norway - Jersey for tax matters

    15/03/2011 Article Ministry of Finance

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and Jersey for the exchange of information relating to tax matters.

  • Agreement Norway - Jersey

    16/03/2011 Article Ministry of Finance

    Agreements between the Kongdom of Norway and Jersey Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and Jersey for the exchange of information relating to tax matters Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and Jersey for the avoidance of double taxation

  • Agreement Norway - Saint Lucia

    15/03/2011 Article Ministry of Finance

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the Commonwealth of Saint Lucia concerning the exchange of information relating to tax matters.

  • Knowledge cooperation

    23/03/2020 Article Ministry of Education and Research

    Through international cooperation, the Ministry of Education and Research will contribute to increased quality, renewal, and relevance within the areas of kindergarten, education and research.

  • International efforts to abolish the death penalty

    24/01/2024 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The right to life and the respect for human dignity and inviolability are underlying principles on which all other human rights and the principles of the rule of law are based. The use of the death penalty is not consistent with these principles and

  • Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research

    31/10/2023 Article Ministry of Energy

    The first Research Centers for Environmentally Friendly Energy (FME) were established in 2009. The programme is administered by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and involves support for research centers (consortia) consisting of a host

  • Child welfare service assistance measures for young persons between 18 and 25 years of age

    07/09/2021 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    The objective of providing assistance measures for the 18-25 age group is to give these young persons the necessary help and support during the transition to an independent adult life.

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