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Labour Market Policy
16/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionLabour market policy is intended to provide a good supply of labour, reduce and prevent unemployment, prevent people from leaving the labour market and from being permanently excluded. Income security for people who are temporarily without earned
Additional NOK 1 billion to Norwegian organisations for emergency relief efforts in Ukraine
17/12/2024 Press release Ministry of Foreign AffairsUkraine is in the midst of another cold winter of war. The Norwegian Government is now providing close to NOK 1 billion to seven Norwegian humanitarian organisations to support their emergency relief efforts in Ukraine.
The Local Government Act
21/04/2021 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Norwegian Local Governments Act The purpose of Local Government Act is to promote local self-government and provide the necessary frameworks for this. The Act facilitates the local representative government and a strong representative local
Norwegian involvement in the World Health Organisation
18/12/2024 Article Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe World Health Organization (WHO) is the United Nations specialized agency for health. Norway has been actively involved in the WHO since the organization was established April 7, 1948.
Interpreting in the public sector
17/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Ministry innenfof Labour and Social Inclusion has the main responsibility for arranging for interpreting to and from Norwegian and other spoken languages in the public sector.
Duration of Norwegian Coaliton Governments 1895-
28/06/2022 Article Government.noThe list covers governments since October 1895, when Francis Hagerup's First Government took office as the first coalition after the introduction of parliamentarism had started in 1884.
Duration of Norwegian Governments 1814-
28/06/2022 Article Government.noThe list covers both the rather extensive government periods 1814-1884 and the parliamentary dependent governments since 1884 - the year when the introduction of parliamentarism began in Norway.
Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA)
03/05/2019 Article Ministry of TransportThe Norwegian Coastal Administration is an agency of the Norwegian Ministry of Transport responsible for services related to maritime safety, maritime infrastructure, transport planning and efficiency, and emergency response to acute pollution.
Capture, transport and storage of CO₂
19/03/2020 Article Ministry of EnergyThe government will contribute to developing technology for capture, transport and storage of CO₂ (CCS), and has an ambition to realise a cost effective solution for full scale CCS in Norway, provided this will result in technology development
Emissions to air from the petroleum sector
08/08/2008 Article Ministry of EnergyNationally, petroleum operations account for 31 percent of CO2 emissions, 24 percent of NOx emissions and 41 percent of nmVOC emissions.
Annual Report to the Storting
31/03/2023 Article Ministry of FinanceTransparency is a prerequisite for ensuring widespread confidence in the management of the Government Pension Fund. The Ministry gives an account of the management of the Fund in an annual report to the Storting, as well as in the National Budget.
A global backstop
23/02/2023 Article, Ministry of Agriculture and FoodThe vault hold the seeds of many tens of thousands of varieties of essential food crops such as beans, wheat and rice. These seed samples are duplicates of seed sample stores in national, regional and international gene banks.
More about the physical plant
23/02/2015 Article, Ministry of Agriculture and FoodWhat does it look like? How big is it? How cold is it? What does it look like inside? Who built it? Who is the architect? What is the theme of the artwork? Who is the artist?
Proposal for a new Act concerning animal welfare
15/05/2009 Article Ministry of Agriculture and FoodAs a follow up of the Norwegian Animal Welfare Action Plan, a proposal for a new Norwegian Act regarding animal welfare has been produced through cooperation between The Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food and The Norwegian Ministry of
Child Welfare Cases Across National Borders
Overview page Ministry of Children and FamiliesMore and more children in Norway have connections to other countries because, for example, they have a foreign nationality, or parents or other family members living abroad.
28/10/2019 Article, Ministry of Agriculture and FoodFilm and video Photo on Flickr The pictures may be used freely, but the photographer (company or name) must be credited.
Student welfare
25/01/2023 Article Ministry of Education and ResearchThe universities and university colleges have the overall responsibility for the students’ learning environment. As a general rule, all institutions encompassed by the Act relating to universities and university colleges must be associated with a
13/06/2018 Article Ministry of EnergyThe oil and gas sector plays a vital role in the Norwegian economy.
Production and exports
13/06/2018 Article Ministry of EnergyNorway is an important supplier of oil and gas to the global market, and almost all oil and gas produced on the Norwegian shelf is exported.
13/06/2018 Article Ministry of EnergyThe overall objective of Norway’s petroleum policy is to provide a framework for the profitable production of oil and gas in the long term.