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  • Power supply

    27/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    The Ministry of Energy has the overall responsibility for managing the power supply in Norway.

  • The power market and prices

    26/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    The market price of power, which is determined each day on the Nord Pool Spot power exchange, is a result of supply and demand. Norway is part of a common Nordic power market and is integrated with the power market in Europe.

  • Power supply and the electricity grid

    26/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    A secure and reliable power supply is essential in any modern society. Norway has an extensive electricity grid for the transmission of power from producers to consumers.

  • The History of Norwegian Hydropower in 5 Minutes

    20/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    Modern Norway was built and industrialised when we started to utilize rivers and waterfalls to produce electricity. Hydropower is still the backbone of the Norwegian power system, and will remain so in the foreseeable future.

  • Growth Potential

    08/07/2016 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    In The Farmyard is a service branch with growth potential. Municipalities, social services and other public institutions require an increasing volume and variety of programs.

  • In the Farmyard – green care

    08/07/2016 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    There are 400 appoved In the Farmyard farms located all over Norway. These offer services related to the farm, the rustic way of life and the work that sustains it.

  • Norway’s follow-up of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals

    05/07/2016 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Agenda 2030 is a global roadmap for eradicating extreme poverty through sustainable development and for promoting good governance and peaceful societies before 2030. 18 to 20 July Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg will present a comprehensive

  • Cloud Computing strategy for Norway

    21/06/2016 Plans/strategy Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    In recent years cloud computing has become an important alternative for IT sourcing for the Norwegian public sector. We see that a growing number of both infrastructure and software services are being supplied in the cloud. Provided that other

  • Whaling: Ethics and sustainability

    17/06/2016 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Norway's resource management rests on the principle of sustainable use of natural resources. The management and harvesting of marine resources, including whales, is based on the best available scientific evidence. Some whale species need

  • Whaling and seal hunting

    Overview page Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

  • Zajistit dětem bezpečí: společná odpovědnost

    14/06/2016 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    Všichni chceme stejnou věc - zajistit, aby všechny děti vyrůstaly v bezpečném prostředí bez násilí. Vysvětlovat smysl opatření na ochranu dětí však může být obtížné.

  • NOU 2016: 8 - A Good Ally: Norway in Afghanistan 2001–2014

    06/06/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This is an English translation of the report of the Norwegian Commission on Afghanistan. The report is an overall assessment of the Norwegian civilian and military engagement in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. For Norway the engagement was demanding,

  • Cel mai bine este atunci când copiii pot primi ajutor în cadrul propriei familii

    03/06/2016 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    Emiterea unui ordin de protecție reprezintă întotdeauna o măsură de ultimă instanță.

  • Meld. St. 34 (2015–2016) - Principles for priority setting in health care

    Summary of a white paper on priority setting in the Norwegian health care sector

    03/06/2016 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Summary of a report from a working group, November 2015: Severity of illness and priority setting in Norway

  • Invitation to Tender Procedure – scheduled regional air services in Northern Norway

    01/06/2016 Call for tender Ministry of Transport

    The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications invites to a tender procedure for regional scheduled air services in Northern Norway for the period 1 April 2017 - 31 March 2022.

  • The cost of inadequately educating asylum seekers and refugees

    Economic Analysis Norway 32 - 2016

    30/05/2016 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    This report has calculated the socio-economic cost that will arise if children and young people who arrive in Norway as asylum seekers or refugees were to receive inadequate education at primary and secondary level.

  • Councils and committees

    List page Ministry of Justice and Public Security

  • The Energy Administration in Norway

    11/05/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    The Norwegian Storting (parliament) determines the political framework for energy and water resources management in Norway. The Government has the executive authority through its various ministries.

  • Renewable energy production in Norway

    11/05/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    In Norway, 98 percent of the electricity production come from renewable energy sources. Hydropower is the source of most of the production.

  • Meld. St. 30 (2015–2016) - From reception centre to the labour market – an effective integration policy

    11/05/2016 Report to the Storting Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    White paper on integration policy. The white paper outlines how Norway's integration policy and measures should be organised to ensure that newly-arrived immigrants with refugee backgrounds enter the labour market or start an education without delay

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