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  • Instructions for the Ministries' work with civil protection and emergency preparedness

    01/09/2017 Rules Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Laid down by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security on 1. September 2017.

  • Norwegian Councillors of State in Stockholm

    01/06/2011 Article

    Between 1814 and 1873 Norway’s prime minister was permanently based at the Norwegian Council of State Division in Stockholm, as this was where the King of the two states resided. Two of the Norwegian councillors of state (ministers) were normally

  • Governor-General in Norway

    18/04/2024 Article

    Norway’s Constitution of 4 November 1814 gave the King the right to appoint either the Crown Prince or his eldest son as Viceroy in Norway, or to appoint a Governor-General there. The office of Viceroy was in function only in shorter periods.

  • Report No. 44 to the Storting (2008-2009) - Education strategy

    12/06/2009 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research

  • Norway’s main priorities for the 78th session of the UN General Assembly

    01/09/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Instructions for the Norwegian delegation.

  • Support and Cooperation

    23/01/2019 Article Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    A description of the total defence in Norway.

  • Investment Strategy

    12/05/2021 Article Ministry of Finance

    The objective for the management of the GPFN is to maximise financial returns measured in Norwegian kroner, given a moderate level of risk. The main part of the assets of the GPFN is invested in the Norwegian equity and fixed income markets.

  • Convention Norway - Australia

    31/05/2011 Article Ministry of Finance

    Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and Australia for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of fiscal evasion.

  • National budget 2013

    27/09/2012 Article Ministry of Finance

    The National Budget will be presented for the Parliament (Storting) October 8th 2012. The National Budget presents the Government's programme for the implementation of economic policy and projections for the Norwegian Economy.

  • Volunteering and dialogue

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Voluntary organisations and sports associations are the glue in many local communities.

  • The main features of the Norwegian electoral system

    06/07/2017 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Norwegian electoral system is based on the principles of direct election and proportional representation in multi-member electoral divisions.

  • State ownership in numbers

    20/09/2022 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Overview of state ownership as of 31.12.2021. The data can be found in The State Ownership Report 2021.

  • About the Ministry

    10/11/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Information about the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion.

  • About the Ministry

    10/07/2014 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries is responsible for designating industrial and seafood policy with an eye to the future. This includes involvement in any policy area that affects value creation. The collective value creation nationwide

  • Norwegian contributions to EU-consultations

    06/04/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has recently shared Norwegian views on the Commission's consultations on the renewable directive and the energy efficiency directives:

  • International cooperation; crucial to Norway’s security, economy and prosperity

    19/05/2021 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The rules-based international order is crucial to seek solutions to common challenges.  Multilateral institutions like the UN have played a key role in developing the rules-based international system of cooperation between states. A key goal for

  • Wholly-owned companies

    01/01/2022 Article Ministry of Energy

    The Ministry of Energy administers the state's ownership of the companies Gassco, Statnett and Gassnova.

  • Power supply

    27/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    The Ministry of Energy has the overall responsibility for managing the power supply in Norway.

  • Seeds remain depositors' property

    23/02/2015 Article, Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was established and is fully funded by the Norwegian government, with the responsibility for operations assigned to The Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The Ministry coordinates daily operation with the Nordic Gene

  • Meld. St. 23 (2015–2016) - The Management of the Government Pension Fund in 2015

    05/04/2016 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance

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