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Norwegian measures in the electricity derivatives market not needed now
04/09/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceThe Norwegian authorities closely monitor developments in the financial power market, and are in constant contact with other Nordic authorities. The measures announced in Sweden and Finland may reduce the risk of distress in the Nordic financial
The Council has decided to renegotiate the agreement between Norway and the EU to hinder VAT fraud
22/06/2022 News story Ministry of FinanceThe Council of the European Union decided Friday 17 June to re-open negotiations of the agreement on administrative VAT cooperation between Norway and the EU.
IMF: Strong economic growth
09/06/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceThe IMF conducts a yearly assessment of the Norwegian economy. As part of this year’s assessment an IMF delegation has spent over a week discussing recent economic developments and Norway’s economic policy with authorities, academic and financial
Revised National Budget: Sound economic governance
12/05/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceThe Norwegian economy is unusually strong and employment is at a record low. At the same time, however, Omicron, high electricity prices and war in Europe have necessitated unforeseen financial allocations. In the Revised Budget, the government has
Revised National Budget: Key figures in the Revised National Budget 2022
12/05/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceTo secure equal access to information that might be market sensitive, the Ministry of Finance publishes selected key figures prior to launching the Revised National Budget at 10:45 a.m. More detailed estimates will be published with the Revised
Ambitious offshore wind initiative
11/05/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesToday, the Government is presenting a major initiative to promote offshore wind power. The aim is to use offshore wind power to generate new electricity on a par with the total amount of electricity currently produced in Norway. The initiative will
The EU Commission recommends negotiations of an agreement between Norway and the EU to hinder VAT fraud
27/04/2022 News story Ministry of FinanceThe Commission adopted 26 April 2022 a recommendation to the Council to re-open negotiations of the agreement between Norway and the EU concerning administrative cooperation in the field of VAT. The purpose of the agreement is to combat
Consultation on a proposal for amendments to the Norwegian VAT Act regarding cross-border trade of services from businesses to consumers
08/04/2022 News story Ministry of FinanceThe Norwegian Ministry of Finance hereby presents a proposal for amendments to the Norwegian VAT Act regarding cross-border sales of services from businesses to consumers (B2C). It is proposed that all purchases of remotely deliverable services from
Security in a new security policy landscape
01/04/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of FinanceThe war in Ukraine has dramatically changed the security policy landscape in Europe. The Government is proposing a number of immediate measures in response to the new situation.
Strengthening climate risk efforts in the Government Pension Fund Global
01/04/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceThe Government will strengthen the efforts on climate risk in the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). The changes proposed in the white paper The Government Pension Fund 2022 are largely in line with the recommendations in the expert report
Responsible long-term management of the Government Pension Fund
01/04/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceThe Ministry of Finance is today publishing the white paper The Government Pension Fund 2022. Key topics in this paper are climate risk and the review of active management of the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG).
Meld. St. 9 (2021–2022) - The Government Pension Fund 2022
Chapter 1
01/04/2022 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance -
A new normal for Norway
14/03/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceThe Norwegian economy is booming. COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and we are heading out of the pandemic. Economic growth is strong, unemployment is low. A shortage of labor is leading to mounting pressure. At the same time, the war in Ukraine
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – Norwegian Positions
02/03/2022 Letter Ministry of FinanceNorway and the EU have a strong relationship, sharing common fundamental values and a common regulatory framework through the European Economic Area (EEA). We are partners and cooperate to fulfil common climate targets.
The Government Pension Fund Global to exit Russia
28/02/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceThe Ministry of Finance has today informed the Fund manager Norges Bank to immediately freeze all investments made by the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) in Russia. The Ministry has further requested Norges Bank to prepare a plan for the
Norway to increase support to Ukraine and provide military equipment
27/02/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Norwegian Government has allocated up to NOK 2 billion for humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, and will provide military equipment such as helmets and bulletproof vests to the war-torn country. The Government will also align itself with the
OECD on the Norwegian economy: High activity and challenges for fiscal policy
22/02/2022 Press release Ministry of FinanceOECD today published their biannual survey of the Norwegian economy, with recommendations on how the government should face important challenges ahead. The report illustrates the high activity of the Norwegian economy heading out of the pandemic. At
Major initiative to promote offshore wind power
12/02/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Government has announced plans to implement phase one of wind power production in the area of Sørlige Nordsjø II. The electricity produced from these wind farms will be transmitted via subsea cable to the Norwegian mainland. The goal is to
Expert group report on Norges Bank’s active management of the GPFG
07/01/2022 News story Ministry of FinanceOn 3 January 2022, the expert group reviewing Norges Bank’s active management of the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) submitted its report to the Ministry of Finance.
New rules on covered bonds
17/12/2021 Press release Ministry of FinanceToday, the Government has proposed new legislation to implement the Covered Bonds Directive in Norway.