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A Society For All
27/03/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of TransportThe government’s strategy for the equality of persons with disabilities for the period 2020-2030
Immigration and Integration 2017–2018
Report for Norway to the OECD
08/01/2019 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionAnnually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report 'Immigration and Integration 2017-2018 - Report for Norway to the OECD' is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the
The Adoption Act
29/10/2018 Law Ministry of Children and FamiliesEntered into force July 1 2018.
Reply to the Authority’s reasoned opinion - the right to paid parental leave
23/01/2018 Letter Ministry of Children and FamiliesReference is made to reasoned opinion from the EFTA Surveillance Authority (the Authority) dated 15 November 2017, concerning the right to paid parental leave in Norway.
Property Relations Between Spouses
10/01/2018 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesYou can download the brochure Property relations between spouses here (PDF).
Implementing Norway’s national action plan 2015-2018 - women, peace and security
Annual report 2016
09/01/2018 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityThis is the first annual report on the implementation of the national actionplan for 2015-2018 and is based on a set of indicators to measure results and keep us accountable.
Immigration and Integration 2016–2017
Report from Norway to the OECD
09/01/2018 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionAnnually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report Immigration and Integration 2016-2017 - Report for Norway is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries.
CERD - Norway’s 23rd/24th report
19/09/2017 Report Ministry of Children and FamiliesNorway’s 23rd/24th report under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
Norwegian National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet – an outline
07/08/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe objectives of the Public HealthReport to the Storting (White paper) Meld. St. 19 (2014-2015) Coping and opportunities - provide the foundation for the National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet:
Act relating to Children and Parents (the Children Act)
06/04/2017 Law Ministry of Children and FamiliesAct relating to Children and Parents.
Immigration and Immigrants 2015–2016
IMO Report for Norway
19/01/2017 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionReport from Norway to the OECD with statistics on migration and on the composition of immigrants and their Norwegian-born children.
The Rights of the Child in Norway
16/11/2016 Report Ministry of Children and FamiliesNorway's fifth and sixth periodic reports to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - 2016.
Q-42/2015 Guidelines for processing child welfare cases where children have ties to other countries
15/03/2016 Circular Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe circular will provide information about how the child welfare service can handle these type of cases, including examinations, measures and the possibility of alternative follow-up of the child abroad. The circular also include a chapter on how
Immigration and Immigrants 2014–2015
IMO Report for Norway
11/01/2016 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityReport from Norway to the OECD.
International Migration report 2012-2013
06/01/2014 Report Ministry of Children and FamiliesAnnually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report “International Migration 2012-2013 - IMO report for Norway” is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries
NOU 2011: 18 - Official Norwegian Report NOU 2011: 18 Summary
Structure for Equality
15/11/2011 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Children and Families -
16/09/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesThis brochure focuses particularly on questions related to parental responsibility (foreldreansvar), where children are to live permanently and right of access (samværsrett).
Haven´t I got a say?
10/12/2009 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesYou can download the brochure HAVEN´T I GOT A SAY? here (PDF)
Children when parents move apart
10/12/2009 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesYou can download the brochure CHILDREN WHEN PARENTS MOVE APART here (PDF)
The Act on prohibition of discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, etc.
27/08/2009 Law Ministry of Children and Families