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  • New white paper highlights Sámi perspectives in public health work

    19/03/2024 News story Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Government believes that public health policy has paid too little attention to factors that affect public health and living conditions in the Sámi population. This will change with the white paper that was passed in the Council of State on

  • Plan of Action to strengthen Sami languages

    22/03/2010 Plans/strategy Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Government wants to create the right conditions to increase the number of people actively using the Sami languages. This will be done through measures which aim to boost the instruction of Sami in kindergartens, primary and secondary education

  • The Sami Act

    29/05/2007 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Act of 12 June 1987 No. 56 concerning the Sameting (the Sami parliament) and other Sami legal matters (the Sami Act)