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Norway to intensify national and international efforts relating to women, peace and security
15/09/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of DefenceNorway’s new national action plan sets out how we will intensify efforts at national and international level to include women in peace and security work.
Norway prolongs forest partnership with Ethiopia
05/09/2023 News story Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentForest protection and restoration play a vital role in Ethiopia’s efforts to reduce emissions. Today at the Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Norway announced 25 million USD in funding to support Ethiopia’s ambitions(*).
Climate finance doubled four years ahead of deadline
05/09/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentNorway’s climate finance totalled NOK 15.5 billion in 2022, partly through mobilisation of a high level of private capital.
Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) - A changing climate – united for a climate-resilient society
Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) Report to the Storting (white paper)
16/06/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
NOU 2023: 18 - Gene technology in a sustainable future
06/06/2023 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentSummary of Chapter 1 in Official Norwegian Report (NOU) 2023:18 Gene technology in a sustainable future. Below is a brief summary of Chap. 1 (Sammendrag og hovedkonklusjoner) in English. The summary is not a part of the report, but was prepared by
Norway’s Eighth National Communication
Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change
12/04/2023 Report Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThis report is Norway’s eighth national communication on national circumstances, policies and measures related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Priorities for Norway’s Chairship of the Arctic Council
28/03/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Climate and Environment‘We will work to ensure that the Arctic Council remains the leading international forum for Arctic issues. The pace of climate change is higher in the Arctic than in any other part of the world. This is a global challenge that we must address
15 years of Partnership on Climate and Forest
22/03/2023 News story Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentBrasilia, 23.03.2023: Joint press statement between Marina Silva, Brazil’s Minister of Environment and Climate and Espen Barth Eide, Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment.
World’s countries reach agreement on conservation of marine biodiversity in the high seas
07/03/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesFollowing intense negotiations over several years, agreement was reached late on Saturday evening on an instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Norway is very pleased with the
Climate change, hungerand vulnerability
16/02/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityAt the climate summit in Glasgow (COP26) in November 2021, Norway pledged to double its climate finance to developing countries by 2026. This includes a commitment to at least triple funding for climate change adaptation, in line with the Paris
Closer cooperation between Norway and Germany to develop green industry
05/01/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNorway and Germany are expanding cooperation to increase production of renewable energy and to develop green industry. The two countries have issued two joint declarations outlining the next steps in their cooperation in the areas of hydrogen,
German Vise-Chancellor visits Norway
04/01/2023 News story Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesVise-Chancellor Robert Habeck meets Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland, Minister of Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre and Minister of Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide will also be
The Amazon Fund is re-activated
02/01/2023 News story Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentYesterday President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva was inaugurated as Brazil’s new president. On his very first day, he reconfirmed the new government’s ambitions to halt deforestation and he took the necessary steps to reopen the Amazon Fund.
German Vise-Chancellor visits Norway in January
22/12/2022 Press release Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Office of the Prime MinisterGermanys Vise-Chancellor Robert Habeck visits Norway 5th and 6th of January 2023. Habeck will amongst other discuss Norwegian-German industry- and energy collaboration with the Norwegian Prime minister and other ministers, attend The Confederation
Norway’s new climate target: emissions to be cut by at least 55 %
03/11/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway is submitting an enhanced climate target to the UN ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt. Norway’s new target is to reduce emissions by at least 55 % by 2030.
Norway increases funding for UNESCO's efforts to promote freedom of expression and cultural rights
24/10/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentNorway has entered into a new agreement with UNESCO on the provision of NOK 200 million to support efforts to promote freedom of expression, artistic freedom and world heritage.
Contribution Agreement Concluded: Norway Delivers US$ 56 Million In Results-Based Support For Indonesia’s FOLU Net Sink 2030 Climate Goals
19/10/2022 News story Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe Contribution Agreement, following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Indonesia and Norway (Partners) in September 2022, was signed on October 19th by Rut Krüger Giverin, Ambassador of Norway to Indonesia, and Djoko
Norway supports Ecuador’s efforts to protect the rainforest
22/09/2022 News story Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentEcuador is making an important effort to reduce deforestation. The efforts are crucial for the planet’s climate and biodiversity. Norway therefore announces NOK 130 million in support of the results achieved.
Leaders will build on Glasgow legacy to establish Forests & Climate Leaders’ Partnership at COP27
21/09/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe COP26 Presidency is inviting world leaders to come together at COP27 to establish a new Partnership, which will accelerate implementation of the unprecedented commitment made at COP26 by over 140 countries to halt and reverse forest loss and
The world’s most important political meeting place
19/09/2022 News story Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs‘Russia’s war in Ukraine and the series of complex crises the world is now facing are casting a dark shadow over this year’s UN General Assembly. But it is only through international cooperation that we will be able to solve the greatest challenges