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  • Four trains are ready for Ukraine

    24/02/2024 Press release Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Two years have passed since Russia’s full scale invation of Ukraine. As a part of Norway’s contribution to keep the economy and life in Ukraine going, four trains that Ukraine has requested, are ready to be transported to the war-stricken country.

  • Ukrainian refugees are having their right to drive in Norway expanded

    27/01/2023 Press release Ministry of Transport

    It is almost a year since Russia invaded Ukraine and many Ukrainians have had to flee from their home country. They are in a very difficult situation and the Norwegian Government wants to offer Ukrainians in Norway predictability in respect of their

  • Ukrainian refugees are having their right to drive in Norway expanded

    19/12/2022 Press release Ministry of Transport

    ‘Ukrainian refugees must feel confident that they are allowed to drive for the duration of their stay in Norway. That is why we are now further extending and expanding the validity of their driving licences’, says Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar

  • Norway sending bridges to Ukraine

    13/12/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Transport

    ‘Russia’s cynical warfare has destroyed key parts of Ukraine’s infrastructure. Without a functional road network, it is not possible for Ukraine to deliver food, water and medical supplies where they are needed, or transport wounded Ukrainians to

  • Ukrainian refugees will be granted an extension of the right to drive cars in Norway

    22/04/2022 Press release Ministry of Transport

    “Ukrainian refugees must be confident that they can drive a car when they reside in Norway. We will therefore extend the duration of the validity period for Ukrainian driving licenses to one year”, says Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar Nygård.