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NOU 2015: 15 - Environmental Pricing (Summary)
Report from a Green Tax Commission
09/12/2015 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of FinanceChapter 1 Executive summary (50,4 kB) Chapter 2 The Commission (63,8 kB) Chapter 3 Summary (225,1 kB) Chapter 12 The recommendations of the Commission (100,6 kB)
Regulations relating to alien organisms
19/06/2015 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentAdopted by Royal Decree of 19 June 2015 under sections 2, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 66 of the Act of 19 June 2009 No. 100 relating to the management of biological, geological and landscape diversity (the Nature Diversity Act), section 7 of the Act of
Meld. St. 20 (2014–2015) - Update of the integrated management plan for the Barents Sea–Lofoten area including an update of the delimitation of the marginal ice zone
Meld. St. 20 (2014–2015) Report to the Storting (white paper)
24/04/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Norway’s fifth national report to the Convention on Biological Diversity
10/07/2014 Report Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe report presents information on status and trends for biodiversity in Norway, measures undertaken to implement the Convention since 2009, successes and remaining Challenges.
Regulations relating to large nature conservation areas and bird reserves in Svalbard as established in 1973
04/04/2014 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentImplementing legislation: adopted by Royal Decree of 4 April 2014 under sections 12, 16 and 17 of the Act of 15 June 2001 No. 79 relating to the protection of the environment in Svalbard (Svalbard Environmental Protection Act). Submitted by the
NOU 2013: 10 - Natural benefits – on the values of ecosystem services
29/08/2013 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentSummary and recommendations.
Meld. St. 33 (2012–2013) - Climate change adaptation in Norway
Meld. St. 33 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (white paper)
07/05/2013 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Meld. St. 37 (2012-2013) - Integrated Management of the Marine Environment of the North Sea and Skagerrak (Management Plan)
Meld. St. 37 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (white paper)
26/04/2013 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Meld. St. 10 (2010–2011) - First update of the Integrated Management Plan for the Marine Environment of the Barents Sea–Lofoten Area
Meld. St. 10 (2010–2011) Report to the Storting (white paper)
11/03/2011 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Report No. 37 to the Storting (2008-2009) - Integrated Management of the Marine Environment of the Norwegian Sea
Report No. 37 (2008 – 2009) to the Storting
22/09/2009 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Nature Diversity Act
19/06/2009 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to protect biological, geological and landscape diversity and ecological processes through conservation and sustainable use, and in such a way that the environment provides a basis for human activity, culture, health and
Ot.prp. nr. 52 (2008-2009) - Proposition No. 52 (2008–2009) to the Stortingconcerning an Act relating to the management of biological, geological and landscape diversity (Nature Diversity Act)
03/04/2009 Proposition Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Norwegian Strategy on Invasive Alien Species
31/05/2007 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentAlien species are a growing problem in Norway. Globally, they are considered to beone of the most serious threats to biodiversity.
Report No. 8 to the Storting (2005–2006) -
31/03/2006 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentReport No. 8 to the Storting (2005–2006) Integrated Management of the Marine Environment of the Barents Sea and the Sea Areas off the Lofoten Islands Recommendation of 31
Regulations relating to impact assessment pursuant to the Gene Technology Act
16/12/2005 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentLaid down by Royal Decree of 16 December 2005 pursuant to section 11, cf section 8, of the Act of 2 April 1993 No. 38 relating to the production and use of genetically modified organisms, etc. Submitted by the Ministry of the Environment.
Regulations relating to the labelling, transport, import and export of genetically modified organisms
02/09/2005 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentLaid down by Crown Prince Regent’s Decree of 2 September 2005 pursuant to section 10, third and fourth paragraphs, and section 14 of Act No. 38 of 2 April 1993 relating to the production and use of genetically modified organisms (the Gene Technology
Proposition No. 79 to the Storting (2001-2002) - National Salmon Rivers and Salmon Fjords
21/06/2002 Proposition Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Report No. 12 to the Storting (2001-2002) - Protecting the Riches of the Seas
15/03/2002 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Report No. 42 to the Storting (2000-2001) - Norwegian biodiversity policy and action plan - cross-sectoral responsibilities and coordination
18/10/2001 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentSummary in English
Gene Technology Act
02/04/1993 Law Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe purpose of this Act is to ensure that the production and use of genetically modified organisms and the production of cloned animals take place in an ethically justifiable and socially acceptable manner, in accordance with the principle of