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  • Tripstekst til ministererklæringen fra WTO-møtet i Doha

    31/10/2001 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    JOB(01)/15527 October 2001 GENERAL COUNCIL Preparations for the Fourth Session of the Ministerial Conference Draft Declaration on Intellectual Property and [Access to Medicines] [Public Health] Attached is a draft Ministerial Declaration on this

  • Taken for Granted? An Evaluation of Norway’s Special Grant for the Environment

    09/02/2001 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Taken for Granted? An Evaluation of Norway’s Special Grant for the Environment Dokumentet er en PDF-fil. For å lese dokumentet trenger du programmet Adobe Acrobat Reader, som kan lastes ned fra

  • Ministerial Declaration. Doha, 14. November 2001

    21/11/2001 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • The Plan of Action: Norway and the EU Candidate Countries - project support

    09/12/2002 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Plan of Action: Norway and the EU Candidate Countries Norway and the EU Candidate Countries - A plan of action for increasing contact and cooperation between Norway and the countries that are candidates for EU membership Guidelines for project

  • Focus on Norwegian Development Cooperation

    Statement to the Storting on Development Cooperation Policy 2001 and Report on Norwegian Development Cooperation in 2000.

    01/02/2002 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Focus on Norwegian Development Cooperation Statement to the Storting on Development Cooperation Policy 2001 Report on Norwegian Development Cooperation in 2000 The document is in PDF-format To read this document you need to install Adobe Acrobat

  • Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1993

    19/06/2002 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1993 1 Internal learning from evaluation and reviews 2. Macroeconomic impacts of import support to Tanzania 3. Garantiordning for investeringer i og eksport til utviklingsland 4. Capacity-Building in Development

  • Guidelines on “Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education”

    11/04/2011 Guidelines Ministry of Education and Research

    The initiative to develop guidelines on “Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education” is a follow-up to a resolution adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO (29 September-17 October 2003), inviting the Director-General to “develop

  • Regulations concerning Requirements for Master’s Degrees

    11/04/2011 Regulation Ministry of Education and Research

    Established by the Ministry of Education and Research on 1 December 2005 pursuant to section 3-2, subsection 1, and section 3-7, subsection 2, of the Act of 1 April 2005 no. 15 relating to Universities and University Colleges.

  • Norwegian Plastics Strategy

    13/07/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of the Prime Minister

    This strategy brings together the Norwegian Government’s plastics policy and describes most of the measures that have been implemented or are being implemented to reduce plastic litter and plastic pollution. It takes a comprehensive approach

  • National charging strategy

    24/01/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Transport

    Electric vehicles (EVs) are likely to be the preferred zero-emission technology in many vehicle segments towards 2030, even if other technologies eventually can become more relevant. If we are to achieve the goals for the vehicle population in 2025

  • The Government’s commitment to the ocean and ocean industries

    "Blue Ocean, Green Future"

    01/07/2021 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The story of Norway is a tale of the ocean. The ocean contributes to value creation and employment alongour entire coast, and lays the foundation for some of our most innovative companies and knowledge communities. Through this document, the

  • Report on cases of financial irregularities in 2021

    Foreign Service Control Unit Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    13/10/2022 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Statement by the Minister of Justice and Public Security at the press brief about the current situation

    18/10/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The police in Nordland county have reported that they have detained four Russians who have been remanded in custody, charged with collecting information on sensitive objects. In recent days, the police have also disclosed the arrest of two other

    By Minister of Justice and Public Security Emilie Enger Mehl Press brief October 17 2022

  • Two Newcomers Join Svalbard Global Seed Vault for Final Opening of 2022

    12/10/2022 News story Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is set to accept new seed shipments from 12 genebanks around the world this week, adding two countries to its family of depositors in the process: Iraq and Uruguay.

  • The Norwegian Government's action plan for export

    27/11/2020 Plans/strategy Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Norwegian Government's action plan for export encompasses topics such as the overall trade policy situation, the global economic crisis created by the corona pandemic and the competitive situation for Norwegian companies abroad.

  • Scheduled regional air services - 19 route areas are put out to tender

    19/10/2009 Call for tender Ministry of Transport

    On October 2, 2008 the Ministry of Transport and Communications invited all EEA air carriers to tender on scheduled regional air services within Norway, for the period 1 April 2009 - 31 March 2012. The deadline for submitting tenders is 3 November

  • Address by the Prime Minister to the Sámediggi (Sámi Parliament)

    09/03/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister

    Mr Chair, Members of the Sámediggi. This is a momentous occasion - to be standing before you in the plenary hall of the Sámi Parliament - the Sámediggi - as Prime Minister. Thank you for this opportunity to greet the Sámediggi in plenum. As is

    By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre

  • Address at the Norwegian-German Chamber of Commerce

    19/01/2023 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Liebe Freunde, Friends, Germany is Norway’s most important partner in Europe. You represent that partnership in all its dimensions – and I am honoured to address you tonight. *** Energy is the backbone of our economic

    By Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken Huitfeldt Oslo, 19 January

  • Speech at International Day to Protect Education from Attack

    09/09/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The keynote speech was held by State Secretary Erling Rimestad at an event to mark the third International day to protect education from attack.

    By State Secretary Erling Rimestad Oslo, 9 September

  • Women, Peace and Security: Norway's Strategic Plan 2011-13. 2011 Progress Report

    21/05/2012 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    In January 2011, the Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security, adopted in 2006, was updated and strengthened through the launch of Women, Peace and Security:

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