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Report No. 10 (2011-2012) - Culture, inclusion and participation
09/12/2011 Report to the Storting Ministry of Culture and Equality -
Meld. St. 7 (2011–2012) - The High North
18/11/2011 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs -
Response from the Norwegian Government to the EFTA Surveillance Authority’s reasoned opinion - Regulation No. 112/2008 on pay and working conditions in public contracts
15/11/2011 Letter Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionReference is made to the reasoned opinion by the EFTA Surveillance Authority (the Authority) of 29 June 2011, in which the Authority holds that by maintaining in force Article 5(1) of regulation 112/2008 on pay and working conditions in public
NOU 2011: 18 - Official Norwegian Report NOU 2011: 18 Summary
Structure for Equality
15/11/2011 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Children and Families -
Brochure about the Norwegian Ministry of Finance
08/11/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceThe Ministry of Finance is headed by the Minister of Finance, who has overall responsibility for the Ministry’s work and who is aided by a political staff consisting of several state secretaries and a political adviser. Read more about the ministry
Joint responsibility for a good and decent working life
14/10/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionShort version of the Government White Paper on working conditions, working environment and safety in Norwegian working life, submitted to the Storting, the Norwegian Parliament, on 26 August 2011.
16/09/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesThis brochure focuses particularly on questions related to parental responsibility (foreldreansvar), where children are to live permanently and right of access (samværsrett).
Invitation to tender: Scheduled air services in Norway
25/08/2011 Call for tender Ministry of TransportThe Ministry of Transport and Communications invites tenders to an open tender procedure for regional scheduled air services.
Consultation on a proposal for amendments to the Broadcasting Regulations - listing of events of major importance for society
28/06/2011 Consultation Ministry of Culture and EqualityThe Ministry of Culture hereby presents a proposal for amendments to the Broadcasting Regulations. It is proposed to include in Chapter 5 of the Broadcasting Regulations a provision for the drawing up of a list of events of major significance for
Deadline for consultation: 24/09/2011 Status: Consultation has been processed
Meld. St. 28 (2010–2011) - An industry for the future – Norway’s petroleum activities
Meld. St. 28 (2010–2011) Report to the Storting (white paper)
24/06/2011 Report to the Storting Ministry of Energy -
NOU 2011: 11 - Innovation in the Care Services
16/06/2011 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Health and Care Services -
Ethical guidelines for contact with business and industry in the defence sector
16/05/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of DefenceGuidelines | August 2019
Collective security – a shared responsibility
09/05/2011 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityThis is Norway’s first action plan for the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism. The plan has been based on four priority areas: knowledge and information,strengthening the authorities’ co-operation, strengthened dialogue and greater
Kindergarten Act
09/05/2011 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchKindergartens shall provide children under compulsory school age with good opportunities for development and activity in close understanding and collaboration with the children's homes.
The Norwegian Government Pension Fund's adherence with the Santiago principles
06/05/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceNorway supports the international guidelines for sovereign wealth funds, the so called Santiago-principles or Generally Accepted Practices and Principles for Sovereign Wealth Funds (GAPP). The principles represent minimum standards which the
Facts about education in Norway 2011
- key figures 2009
06/05/2011 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchThis brochure from Statistics Norway contains key figures for education statistics in Norway. The statistics are based on figures for 2009.
Improving lower secondary schools in Norway
OECD-report - Executive Summary April 2011
06/05/2011 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchThe report Improving lower secondary schools in Norway aims to help education authorities in Norway and other OECD countries to understand the importance of lower secondary education and to find approaches to strenghten this key educational level.
The powerful and the powerless in the food supply chain
13/04/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Agriculture and FoodThe powerful and the powerless in the food supply chain - summary (pdf, 431 Kb)
Final report - new top level domains of national importance
13/04/2011 Report Ministry of TransportOn behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications, a working group has considered the need for introducing additional top level domains on the Internet.
National Guidelines for Differentiated Teacher Education Programmes
12/04/2011 Guidelines Ministry of Education and ResearchThe National Guidelines are based on the National Curriculum Regulations for Differentiated Teacher Education Programmes for Years 1 - 7 and Years 5 - 10. The Regulations provide the overarching policy for the differentiated teacher education