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  • Changes among the political advisers

    10/06/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    The Office of the Prime Minister has extended the appointment for Ms. Emma Svarva Giskås as political adviser to Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre as of 17 June 2022.

  • Three applications for permits to store CO2 in the North Sea

    08/06/2022 Press release Ministry of Energy

    The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received applications from three companies that want to be allocated areas for future storage of CO2 on the Norwegian continental shelf.

  • The Norwegian Forest Habitat Inventory

    30/06/2010 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    (PDF, 3 Mb)


    16/09/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and Families

    This brochure focuses particularly on questions related to parental responsibility (foreldreansvar), where children are to live permanently and right of access (samværsrett).

  • Report No. 27 to the Storting (2001-2002) - Summary -

    26/04/2002 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Summary of Report No. 27 to the Storting (2001-2002) EEA Cooperation, 1994-2001 26 April 2002

  • Norway increases support to Combined Maritime Forces in the Red Sea

    21/12/2023 News story Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway will provide additional staff officers as part of an international effort to protect civilian shipping in the Red Sea.

  • Norway increasing support for forgotten crises

    07/12/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘The UN Central Emergency Response Fund saves lives and alleviates suffering in connection with forgotten humanitarian crises as well. Norway is now providing an additional NOK 55 million to the Fund,’ said Minister of International Development Anne

  • Norway has delivered the first F-16’s to Romania

    01/12/2023 News story Ministry of Defence

    - Three pilots from Romania will take off from Rygge Airfield this week with three overhauled F-16 back home to Romania. The purchase of F-16 will aid in the modernization and defence of Romania, an allied nation in NATOs eastern flank, that also

  • Business and industry in Norway - Preface

    26/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Norwegian industry will face a number of changes in the years to come - changes that will affect the established industries’ future value creation and create a framework for new businesses. In addition to the fact that Norway must actively relate to

  • Continued strong Norwegian support for Ukraine's war of self-defence

    29/11/2023 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    'Ukraine is our top priority and will remain so for a long time to come. Norway will stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes', says Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide.

  • Norwegian residence permits to be extended for people displaced from Ukraine

    24/01/2023 Press release Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Norwegian Government is extending its temporary collective protection scheme for displaced people from Ukraine. Those who have already been granted a residence permit under the scheme will have it automatically extended for one year.

  • Web TV

    The National Budget 2024: A budget to safeguard Norwegian households

    06/10/2023 Press release Ministry of Finance

    The budget for 2024 provides security and opportunity for people and businesses throughout Norway. There are expenditure increases in several areas due to war in Europe, a record number of refugees and higher prices. The Government’s priorities are

  • Publication number H-2120 E

    The main functions of county minicipalities and municipalities in Norway

    07/11/2000 Circular Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The main functions of county municipalities and municipalities in Norway.

  • Norway provides Ukraine with NASAMS ground-based air defence system

    10/03/2023 News story Ministry of Defence

    Norway will provide Ukraine with two complete NASAMS firing units in cooperation with the United States. - Ukraine has a critical need to defend itself against missile attacks, and Norway will assist, says Norway’s minister of defence, Mr. Bjørn

  • Norway signs framework-agreement for joint ammunition-procurement

    20/03/2023 News story Ministry of Defence

    On March 20st, Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) signs a framework agreement which allows the European Defense Agency (EDA) to acquire ammunition on behalf of the signatory countries.

  • Joint Statement by the Ministers of Defence of the Northern Group

    23/11/2022 News story Ministry of Defence

    Today, representatives of the Northern Group - comprising Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom - met in Oslo on board the UK aircraft carrier, HMS QUEEN

  • Business and industry in Norway - The structure of the Norwegian economy

    26/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

  • Business and industry in Norway - 4) Information and communication

    28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Number of employees 78 635 Number of companies 9 112 Turnover NOK 182,1 billion Information and communication technology (ICT) is a large and rapidly growing industry that is becoming increasingly important to Norwegian commerce. The ICT business

  • Letter of intent concerning the legal status of forces engaged in NORDCAPS activities

    29/04/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence

    Letter of intent concerning the legal status of forces engaged in NORDCAPS activities Considering that the Ministers of Defence of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden on the 2 nd> of April 1997 agreed to establish NORDCAPS, Having established, in

  • Business and industry in Norway - Mineral products

    28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Number of companies 614 Number of employees 9955 This sector’s export share 19 Gross product in percentage 0,6 Mineral products are often divided into three main categories: glass and glassware; ceramic products; and other mineral products. These

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