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Opening of an area on the Norwegian continental shelf for mineral activities
12/04/2024 News story Ministry of EnergyThe King in Council has today formally decided to open an area in the Norwegian Sea and the Greenland Sea for mineral activities.
Norway gives green light for seabed minerals
10/01/2024 News story Ministry of EnergyOn 9 January, the Norwegian parliament (Storting) considered the government's proposal for opening an area for mineral activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. With the parliament’s decision, the basis is now laid for a gradual and responsible
The government is facilitating a new ocean industry - seabed mineral activities
20/06/2023 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe government proposes to open parts of the Norwegian continental shelf for commercial seabed mineral activities. In addition, the government presents a strategy demonstrating how Norway aims to be a global leader in a fact- and knowledge-based
Sparebank 1 Markets Energy Conference
27/02/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyEnergiminister Terje Aasland holdt dette innlegget på Sparebank 1 Markets Energy Conference, 27. februar 2024.
Public consultation of the first licensing round for seabed minerals
26/06/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Energy has presented a proposal for the announcement of the first licensing round for seabed minerals on the Norwegian continental shelf for public consultation. The proposal sets out the areas where the companies will be able to
The government proposes to increase the allocation for resource and environmental mapping of seabed minerals
07/10/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe government will facilitate responsible, sustainable and profitable seabed mineral activity on the Norwegian continental shelf. We need more knowledge about the mineral resources, the environmental conditions in the Norwegian deep-sea areas, and