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  • Educating Girls – What the World Can and Must Do

    03/06/2014 Letter Office of the Prime Minister

    Open letter to the world leaders from Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Erna Solberg, Julia Gillard, José Manuel Barroso and Andris Piebalgs.

  • Future acquisitions for the Norwegian Armed Forces 2014 - 2022

    27/05/2014 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence

    This publication does not examine each planned project in detail but is intended to create opportunities for in depth discussions between the Armed Forces and industry.

  • The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    05/05/2014 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation is devoted to renewing, simplifying and improving the public sector.

  • Meld. St. 21 (2013-2014) - Financial Markets Report 2013

    25/04/2014 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance

  • Meld. St. 19 (2013-2014) - The Management of the Government Pension Fund in 2013

    04/04/2014 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance

  • Regulations relating to large nature conservation areas and bird reserves in Svalbard as established in 1973

    04/04/2014 Regulation Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Implementing legislation: adopted by Royal Decree of 4 April 2014 under sections 12, 16 and 17 of the Act of 15 June 2001 No. 79 relating to the protection of the environment in Svalbard (Svalbard Environmental Protection Act). Submitted by the

  • Norway’s sixth National Communication under the Framework Convention on Climate Change

    Status report as of January 2014

    10/03/2014 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    This report is Norway’s sixth national communication on national circumstances, polices and measures related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The previous national communications were submitted in 1994,

  • Key Figures 2014: Overview and rates of direct and indirect taxes

    01/02/2014 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    Key figures for the Norwegian economy, main figures of the Fiscal Budget and rates of direct and indirect taxes.

  • Public Health Report

    17/01/2014 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Good health - a common responsibility Meld. St. 34 (2012-2013) Report to the Storting (White Paper) Summary

  • International migration 2012-2013 – Norway

    10/01/2014 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report “International Migration 2012-2013 - IMO report for Norway” is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries.

  • International migration 2012-2013 – Norway

    06/01/2014 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report “International Migration 2012-2013 - IMO report for Norway” is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries

  • International Migration report 2012-2013

    06/01/2014 Report Ministry of Children and Families

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report “International Migration 2012-2013 - IMO report for Norway” is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries

  • The Housing Cooperatives Act

    31/12/2013 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Act of 6 June 2003 No. 39 relating to housing cooperatives (the Housing Cooperatives Act). Cf. the previous Act of 4 February 1960 No. 2 relating to housing cooperatives.

  • Letter to the EU Commission on climate and energy policies

    19/12/2013 Letter Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The ministers Vidar Helgesen (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Tine Sundtoft (Ministry of the Environment) og Tord Lien (Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) have sendt a letter to the European Commission with the Norwegian Government's views on the 2030

  • Forecasting demand and supply of labour by education

    22/10/2013 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    In Norway, supply of labour by level of education has developed in line with demand for many years. At the same time unemployment rates and relative wages for different educational groups have been quite stable over time.

  • Evaluation of Nordic World Heritage Foundation (2008-2013)

    16/10/2013 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    På oppdrag fra Miljøverndepartementet og Unesco har Vista Analyse AS gjennomført en evaluering av Nordic World Heritage Foundation (NWHF). NWHF er et kategori 2-senter under beskyttelse av Unesco, som følge av en avtale mellom den norske

  • Guidelines on Norway’s human rights policy

    11/10/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The promotion of human rights is a key component of Norway’s foreign and development policy. As part of its efforts to ensure an integrated human rights policy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published several sets of guidelines on different

  • Women, Peace and Security: Progress Report 2012

    20/09/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The second progress report on the Government's implementation of Norway's strategic plan provides an overview of Norway’s priorities as well as examples of activities and results from 2012. It also identifies challenges and priority areas for Norway

  • Invtation to tender - regional air services (helicopter) Værøy–Bodø

    05/09/2013 Call for tender Ministry of Transport

    The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications invites to an open tender procedure for regional scheduled air services on the helicopter route Værøy - Bodø v.v during the period 1 August 2014 to 31 July 2019.

  • Facts about Fisheries and Aquaculture 2013

    02/09/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs has published a booklet containing facts on Norwegian seafood production - consumption and export, fisheries and catches, aquaculture and research and innovation. The booklet was published in

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  • Page 97 of 131